Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004


S.No. Name Responsibility Email Contact No.
1. Dr.Pradeep N & Dr.Dinesh Y N Dean Academics (+91) 9886086840 (+91) 9964088918
2. Dr. Chidanda G Deputy Dean Academics (+91) 94801 75764
3. Dr. Kumarappa S. Dean Examination +919341000364
4. Dr. Nirmala C R Dean Training and Placement +919740770377
5. Dr. Vinutha H P Dean Student Welfare Council (+91) 9964262478
6. Dr. A.G. Shankara Murthy Dean Research & Development (R & D) (+91) 9448240355
7. Dr. Leela.G.H Dean Admissions (+91) 9844474712
8. Dr. Mallikarjuna S B Dean Infrastructure (+91) 9944109063
9. Dr. Vinutha H P Incubation +919964262478
9. Dr. Devendrappa K C Dean Alumni Relations (+91) 9844616304
11. Smt. Ashalatha M.E Dean Women Welfare (+91) 9844638188
810. Dr. KALLESHAPPA C.M Dean Public Relations (+91) 9449202190
Dr.Pradeep N & Dr.Dinesh Y N

Dean Academics

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere is a center of learning where young talents after their 2nd PUC will get admission in different branches of Engineering. The major emphasis of the institute is to impart Outcome Based Education and Technical Training to encourage problem-solving skills among the students in their respective or interdisciplinary branches. Institute is putting efforts to make their students industry ready and be quick learner to adapt with the fast changing needs of the present industries and also be life-long learners to face the challenges that may arise in their personal or professional life. Continuous efforts are being made in the direction where their students become world-class technocrats of tomorrow. The goal is to position the engineering graduates to be problem solvers, project leaders, communicators, and ethical citizens. It is sure that our students would be an asset to the institute through their technical and managerial capabilities.

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Dr. Chidanda G

Deputy Dean Academics

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere is a center of learning where young talents after their 2nd PUC will get admission in different branches of Engineering. The major emphasis of the institute is to impart Outcome Based Education and Technical Training to encourage problem-solving skills among the students in their respective or interdisciplinary branches. Institute is putting efforts to make their students industry ready and be quick learner to adapt with the fast changing needs of the present industries and also be life-long learners to face the challenges that may arise in their personal or professional life. Continuous efforts are being made in the direction where their students become world-class technocrats of tomorrow. The goal is to position the engineering graduates to be problem solvers, project leaders, communicators, and ethical citizens. It is sure that our students would be an asset to the institute through their technical and managerial capabilities.

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Dr. Kumarappa S.

Dean Examination

It is with immense pleasure I welcome the young minds, the future of knowledgeable society, to Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, an institution focused on imparting value based education integrated with academic education par excellence. Our Institute becomes more and more responsive to the ever-changing needs of the students and the engineering profession. Students in BIET mean more than simply preparing for an exam or career; strive to produce manpower who can contribute to the growth of nation. Institute offers not only academic pursuits but a wide range of social, cultural and recreation activities. Our Institute vision is to become the center of excellence. It is true that quality is achieved only with creating excellence in work, work environment, human resources, etc. The various programs have grown significantly with each subsequent semester where examination is an important and essential phase. To express one’s knowledge of subject by various methods of examinations such as the assessment through class room participations, term papers, class tests, tutorials, group discussion, etc. Along with this it is also important for student to exhibit good study habits, cooperative attitude, attentive and hardworking habits, logical and rational thinking and open-mindedness. Our students are not only future alumni, but they will take the knowledge and vision of excellence gained from here to manifest as their own, which will have a unique impact on society. We are proud of the progress of our students and in future shall continue to provide knowledge, skills and competencies specifically required in the field of higher education. For any official examination related circulars/notifications I advice the students to visit and also college notice board only. I take this opportunity to extend my heartiest wishes to all the students to achieve success in campus and future career initiatives.

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Dr. Nirmala C R

Dean Training and Placement

A paradigm shift in technology and innovation has made mandatory for an academic institute to foster a new generation of individuals equipped with divergent thought process, positive attitude, knowledge and technical skills to instigate new challenges for sustaining the increasing expectations of the industry. Hard work alone is no more the key to success, but individuals are expected to be consistent and work smart. Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology gives utmost importance in facilitating the students for felicitous placements in and off-campus before their graduation. BIET strives hard to ensure that every student gets the right skill & domain knowledge. The main objective of BIET is to create knowledge and competencies/skills required by the industries with strong academic foundations. Placement cell in association with various disciplines provides a conducive environment for students. The Institute organizes activities like industry expert talk, skill development workshops, Hackathons, coding competencies that enable students to be industry ready through its ties with alumni and industry. The institute also encourages students to accomplish projects that are societal, real-time and Industry relevant during their course of study. BIET nurtures young minds to acquire the required skill sets to seize the desired career.

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Dr. Vinutha H P

Dean Student Welfare Council

In the Present day Education system, competition level including academic excellence, sports and cultural activities are towards the highest accuracy. All points are assessed based on objective results. The present day system stands on the principle of Local acting and Global thinking. Keeping this in view, our institute has formed the Student Council to provide platform for all the students to exhibit their talent and also to enhance their moral and physical courage. Major Events such as Ethnic Day, Cultural Fest DAVANA and Sports meet are arranged regularly in this institute to improve the skills of students towards creativity and innovation. Our Students will also be encouraged to participate in all the events held in the other institutions and universities apart from our institute. I heartily welcome all of you to join hands to learn the latest things under one umbrella.

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Dr. A.G. Shankara Murthy

Dean Research & Development (R & D)

For academicians, research is an integral part of the curriculum in terms of Teaching-learning process. Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology (BIET) has 14 recognized department research centres and provided state of the art equipment/software facilities and encourage interdisciplinary research. Students and faculty members are engaged in faculty-led research through their enriched knowledge by creating add-ons through department research centres. Institute provides necessary support towards research by establishing adequate infrastructure facilities. Research centres are working in diffeent domain to transform the cutting-edge technology in to a new prospect. Outcome of the research resulted in diverse talent to bear, together, on important societal and industry problems relevant problems of the nation. BIET provides consultancy services to individuals, industry and government organizations across the state, collaborations with leading science and technology organizations through MoUs. BIET takes pride in being recognized research centre of visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi for Doctoral Programme and M.Sc by research. BIET, received sponsored research grants from both Central and state government agencies, AICTE, DST, DBT, NAIN, VTU Belagavi, CSIR, KSCST, SDC, VGST and reputed industries and agencies. BIET has attracted significant research grants from various funding agencies for about 150 sponsored research projects and received over Rs.6.5 crores. Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST-Bangalore) has alone granted more than 800 student projects under Student Project Program (SPP) and Faculty Project Program (FPP) since 1983. Research findings are published by faculty members in leading National, International Journals, conferences, book chapters and IPR/patents. BIET has well established Research Advisory Committee (RAC) regularly conducts meetings and provide necessary policy directions to research activities. To facilitate research vision, BIET provides research support and promises conducive environment to faculty and students to explore research career in department Research centres.

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Dr. Leela.G.H

Dean Admissions

Being an Engineer is Prestigious and an Admired job title. Engineers are some of the highest-paid workers. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to qualify as an engineer. Engineers have Logical Thinking, Critical Analysis, Decision Making and Problem-Solving skills necessary to achieve Professional Success. They’re avid learners. Engineering contains a large number of job opportunities and specialties. It is an incredibly broad profession with exciting career that allows them to work across the globe. Engineers contribute to society and the world around them in their everyday lives by providing solution to most of real life problems through technologies and other services. If you are an Engineering Aspirant, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology is the final stop for your search. Join BIET and fulfil your dream of becoming an Engineer.

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Dr. Mallikarjuna S B

Dean Infrastructure

Dean Message

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Dr. Vinutha H P


Welcome to the Centre of Innovation and Incubation of BIET. New ideas for innovation grow out of the minds of each new generation. Having an institution of higher learning that can help the young generation to put those ideas into action is critical. Innovation in BIET is given an utmost importance and is regarded as one of the most important activities besides teaching and learning. The institution with good infrastructure, dedicated & qualified faculty, moderate research facilities and supportive management provides an excellent ambience for entrepreneurship. Innovation circles, mentored by Dean – Innovation Cell, senior faculty members are active and are primarily responsible for cultivating entrepreneurship culture in students and faculty. Currently, BIET has an active program called New Age Innovation Network (NAIN) supported by KITS, Dept. of IT, BT, Science & Technology, Govt. of Karnataka. This Post-Pandemic has brought a new paradigm, the new normal is being predicted as the new social order. The need-driven technological innovations seem to be coming to address the new challenges of the changing world. The aim is to create job providers who will have the potential of becoming the future innovators and industry stalwarts and who will further propagate innovative culture. I wish all the Innovators the best in their upcoming endeavours Dr. Vinutha H P Dean – Innovation Cell

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Dr. Devendrappa K C

Dean Alumni Relations

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology has become an institution of iconic marvel in academics and research and accredited with "A" grade by NAAC. Recognised by All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi and affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka. The institution endeavours to provide broad based education and assistance for its students so that they may move towards the fulfilment of their dreams and aspirations. Since from its inception, institute has produced graduates, post graduates and doctorates in diverse disciplines, who have remarkably contributed in their respective fields and are now a part of our Alumni Association. Alumni members are spread across the world; the college alumni association remain connected with their alma mater as well as their friends/contemporaries through the association activities. The institution cherishes its alumni, as not only they are role models for the coming generations but also ambassadors for promoting the Institute’s Vision and Mission. The association is committed to establish, foster and nurture a strong bond between the alumni and the institution for achieving excellence and reaching newer heights. The alumni association members are committed to develop a strong relationship between the alumni and the Institution and to develop different platforms for achieving excellence at the Institute. In each department, a separate alumni coordinator has been identified and they are the key person for building association with the alumni. Departments regularly organizes alumni meets at the department level. The Alumni Association ensures and facilitates interactions between alumni and the current students by providing forums and creating opportunities for interactions. The Alumni Association strongly encourages its members to collaborate with the institution, stay in touch with its members and give valuable suggestions for the development and upliftment of their alma mater. The institute also welcomes suggestions from the alumni for its academic growth.

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Smt. Ashalatha M.E

Dean Women Welfare

The objective of BIET Women Welfare Cell is to strengthen women in the view of self-growth, education, provide the support for improvement of social competitiveness, and create a healthy working environment to enhance professional and individual development. Institution is committed to impart quality education along with ethical and moral values. Women need to be empowered through the strongest tool – education. The BIET Women Welfare Cell strives to create an atmosphere conducive to gain knowledge and acquire skills by organizing seminars, invited talks and various awareness programs which help students to enhance their career in a broad spectrum. On March 8 every year, International Women's Day is celebrated in the campus. Faculty and students are felicitated for their achievements. Various events and competitions are hosted at the institute level on this occasion. The institution has constituted a College Internal Complaint Committee (CICC) represented by staff, students of our institute and an external member. BIET Women Welfare Cell works in coordination with CICC.

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Dean Public Relations

In these present days of high competition, one has to have a very good communication skills in order to excel and convince people. When soft skills are made part of the education system along with core courses, the trained students will be equipped to take up any kind of assignments. BIET strongly believes this and ample of training in soft skills will be made available to all the students through its number of well-structured soft skill programs. I welcome all the aspirants of engineering education to this temple of learning which molds you to have an outcome and need based education imbibed with necessary soft skill training.

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