Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004

Department of Placement

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Auditorium - Guest Waiting Area

Placement Updates

Mar 06


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Feb 16


09:00AM - 12:00PM


Feb 14


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Feb 14


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Feb 12


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Feb 09


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Jan 18


09:00AM - 06:00PM


Jan 10


03:02PM - 03:02PM


Jan 05


09:00AM - 12:07PM


Dec 21


02:55PM - 02:55PM


Dec 13


02:50PM - 02:50PM


Dec 09


02:52PM - 02:52PM


Dec 04


02:59PM - 02:59PM


Oct 31


10:23AM - 10:23AM


Oct 08


10:00AM - 10:00AM


Aug 16


10:23AM - 10:23AM


Jul 11


06:00PM - 06:00PM


Jul 01


04:37PM - 04:37PM


All events

Training and Placement Cell is a backbone of any institute which is committed to develop dynamism, strong human values technocratic and good leadership qualities as per the need of rapidly changing technology working with a strategy oriented planning. The Placement Cell plays a crucial role in locating job opportunities for Under Graduates and Post Graduates passing out from the college by keeping in touch with reputed firms and industrial establishments.

The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates. The number of students placed through the campus interviews is continuously rising. On invitation, many reputed industries visit the institute to conduct interviews.

This cell apart from the normal placement activities have a frequent personal interaction with the students and understand and realize their problems better and try to solve effectively and boost their confidence in every aspect.

The Placement Cell organizes career guidance programs for all the students starting from first year. The cell arranges training programs like Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, Communication Skills Workshop etc and it also organizes Public Sector Exam Training for students who are interested to join Government Sectors. It also invites HR Managers from different industries to conduct training programmes for final year students.

In addition to the above-mentioned activities, the cell arranges expert lectures of Corporate Managers in both Technical and HRD streams for the students and faculty of the Institute. There are various Workshops and Seminars organized for the benefit of students regarding the latest trend and technology in the industry.

TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES has accredited our college in the year 1998, from which they are visiting our college every year for conducting Placement Training programmes and Campus Interviews.

The Cell is well equipped with ample infrastructure in Terms of Testing halls, Seminar hall for Pre Placement Talk & Presentations, Conference room, Board Room etc. and Computer labs for online tests also the cell has video conference facility available for the students.


To increase the employability skills of our students at institutional level; to furnish our students with conceptualized professional skills and guiding them towards the bright future and career all around the globe with hard work and justice.


  1. To create maximum opportunities for the placements by establishing a rapport with the employers multinational companies.

  2. To impart personality development training to the students to face the competitive era.

  3. To motivate and guide students to make smart career choices.

  4. To enable them to become ethical professionals with diverse skills.


  1. To enhance the employability skills among the students to meet out the corporate expectations.

  2. To place all the students in the prospective IT, Management Companies and core companies.

  3. To improve the industry – institute relationships.


  1. To provide class training for the students through a continuous training module.

  2. To counsel the students to improve their career exposure across the global.

  3. To produce the most competitive students to fit in all scenario of the job market.

  4. To approach top multinational companies for arranging the campus recruitment.
Dr. Nirmala C R
Dean - Training & Placement

Dean - Placement
Traning and Placement

A paradigm shift in technology and innovation has made mandatory for an academic institute to foster a new generation of individuals equipped with divergent thought process, positive attitude, knowledge and technical skills to instigate new challenges for sustaining the increasing expectations of the industry. Hard work alone is no more the key to success, but individuals are expected to be consistent and work smart. Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology gives utmost importance in facilitating the students for felicitous placements in and off campus before their graduation. BIET strives hard to ensure that every student gets the right skill & domain knowledge. The main objective of BIET is to create knowledge and competencies/skills required by the industries with strong academic foundations. Placement cell in association with various disciplines provides a conducive environment for students. The Institute organizes activities like industry expert talk, skill development workshops, Hackathons, coding competencies that enable students to be industry ready through its ties with alumni and industry. The institute also encourages students to accomplish projects that are societal, real-time and Industry relevant during their course of study. BIET nurtures young minds to acquire the required skill sets to seize the desired career.

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Placement Coordinators

S.No. Name Designation Department
1. Prof.Raghavendra N T Placement Officer Training & Placement
2. Mrs.Cheluvi Kalvala Placement Assistant Training & Placement
3. Dr. S M Chandrashekar Associate Professor Textile Technology
4. Prof.Radhika Priya Assistant Professor Electronics & Communication Engineering
5. Prof.Ashoka E. Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
6. Dr.Geetha M Associate Professor Master of Computer Applications
7. Prof.Yogesh K O Assistant Professor Electrical & Communication Engineering
8. Prof.Roopa R Assistant Professor Master of Computer Applications
9. Prof.Praveen Kumar G B Assistant Professor Civil Engineering
10. Prof.Vishwanath V K Assistant Professor Computer Science & Engineering
11. Prof.Arjun H Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
12. Prof.Vinay M T Assistant Professor Computer Science & Engineering(Data Science)
13. Prof.Madhuri Martis & Prof. Chaitra K G Assistant Professor Information Science & Engineering
14. Prof.Amarnath C H Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering
15. Prof.T S Karibasavaraju Assistant Professor Electrical & Electronics Engineering
16. Prof.Vasudeva Nayaka K.B.L Assistant Professor Bio Technology
17. Dr. Varsha M Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
18. Dr.Sreenivasa B R Professor Computer Science & Design
19. Prof.Madhu B G Assistant Professor Computer Science & Business System
20. Mr.Manjunath R Attender Training & Placement

The placement process is the process by which a recruiter helps a client fill one of its open positions through the successful matching of the job’s requirements to what a potential candidate offers in the form of skills.

Student's Data Preparation

During sixth semester, all the students are informed to enter their details as per the format supplied to them. The department coordinator in turn validates the data of each and every student of their department. The final data sheet of each department is submitted to the placement cell. The placement cell consolidates the data sheet of all the branches. The student’s data sheet is updated by entering the result of the previous semester.


Placement cell send the fresh formal invitation to all the companies which are visiting the campus for the drive regularly. In addition, placement cell identify the new companies and invite them through social media like LinkedIn, FaceBook and so on. In turn, HR from all the companies inform their schedule of drive in our campus.

Drive Process

Human Resource from the respective companies inform the placement cell well in advance. Based on the requirement of the company, we prepare the circular mentioning the eligibility criteria and the essential details to students. This circular is brought to the notice of each and every student and finally displayed in the concerned department notice board.

Following are the events during the day of placement drive:

  1. Pre placement talk

  2. Aptitude test

  3. Group Discussion, if any

  4. Interview (Technical + HR)

  5. Announcement of final selection

Eligibility Criteria

  • General eligibility criterion for most of the companies is aggregate of 60% or 6.75 CGPA, i.e., your average percentage score in all semesters.

  • However, some companies like Quickcilwer, Xoriant, Teksystem, Microsoft… demand a 7.75 CGPA aggregate. So it is advisable to score at least above 6.75 CGPA right from the first semester and above 7.75 CGPA for better opportunities.

  • For TCS NINJA drive, the students who maintained 7.75 CGPA consistently are exempted from the written test.

  • Another important criterion is that students should not have any backlogs.

  • Although a few companies may allow up to ONE backlog. A handful of companies do not tolerate any backlogs at all.
  • The Placement activities are initiated in the month of July & August every year by sending invites to all the recruiting companies.

  • Interested companies are required to send us the participation confirmation along with necessary prerequisites (Tentative Drive Date, Eligibility Criteria, Job Description & Salary Package, etc.).

  • The T&P Department scrutinizes the requirements and Campus Recruitment dates are allocated to the participating companies on mutual confirmations.

  • Eligible students are informed to register and participate in the drive.

  • Companies visit the campus on the allotted date(s) and conduct tests/interviews as per their recruitment process. It is appreciated if the company can announce the final results on the same day of the recruitment.

Placement Infrastructure to Support Campus Recruitment Activities

  • High class auditorium with a seating capacity of 700 students.

  • One placement seminar hall with a seating capacity of 250 students.

  • Conference meeting hall with 50 seating capacity.

  • Computer Labs with 600+ updated systems to support the conduction of online tests for 300 students in a single slot.

  • Dedicated internet bandwidth of 100 Mbps for each system.

  • 1 Group Discussion Rooms & 5 Personal Interview Rooms.

Placement Board Room

Placement Board Room
Title of MOU
MOU signed with
Signing Date
1 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and ADIBASI WELFARE SOCIETY. ADIBASI WELFARE SOCIETY,an organization registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in the year 1979, Registration Ni.39/82-83 in undivided Bihar, Main Road, Ghorabandha, P.O.-Luabasa, Via- Indranagar, Jamshedpur, East Singhbhoom, Jharkhand-831 008. May 28, 2011
2 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and DHIO RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING PVT LTD BANGALORE. DHIO Research & Engineering Pvt. Ltd. No 28, 2nd Floor, 36th Cross, Next to Sreenivasa Kalyana Mantap, 2nd Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore- 560 010, Karnataka, India. July 30, 2014
3 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA 74078. June 7, 2011
4 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Blend Technologies, Bangalore. Blend Technologies, No.20, 1st Main, Vyalikaval, Near Sadashivnagar, Bshyam Circle, Bangalore- 560 006. March 21, 2000
5 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Applied Cognition Systems Pvt. Ltd. Applied Cognition Systems Pvt. Ltd, a company established and existing under the laws of the Republic of India, office-D.V.G. Road, Bangalore-560004, India. Sept. 18, 2012
6 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Bapuji Polytechnic, Shabanur, Davanagere-577 004. Bapuji Polytechnic, Shabanur, Davanagere-577 004. Jan. 14, 2019
7 Memorandum Of Understanding between Civil Engineering department, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and SECRETARY FPACE, Davanagere. Forum of Practicing Architects & Consulting Civil Engineers (FPACE), #2280, M.C.C “A” Block, Davangere – 577 004. July 5, 2018
8 Memorandum Of Bapuji Institute of Engineering and ASKAR MICRONS (P) LTD. MYSORE. ASKAR MICRONS (P) LTD. Plot No. 293-C, Hebbal Industrial Area, Mysore- 570 016, Karnataka, India. Fax:0091-821-2402649, 2403370, 2510594 Aug. 12, 2018
9 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and OYO Hotel and Homes Pvt. Ltd. OYO Hotel and Homes Pvt. Ltd. Jan. 8, 2020
10 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD, Harihar. CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD, Belludi, Harihar (Taluk), Davanagere-577 601, Karnataka, India. July 13, 2016
10 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD, Harihar. CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD, Belludi, Harihar (Taluk), Davanagere-577 601, Karnataka, India. July 13, 2016
11 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and INDIAN CANE POWER LTD. M/S INDIAN CANE POWER LTD UNIT: SAMSONS DISTILLERIES Duggavathi Village, Harpanahalli Taluk, Davangere District, Karnataka June 7, 2016
12 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and LAXMI GENCHEM SCIENCIES PVT LTD. LAXMI GENCHEM SCIENCIES PVT LTD, Plot No-90, Aleap Industrial estate, opp-KPHB, Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad-500090, AP, India. June 11, 2016
13 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and WHIZ CHIP DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD Bangalore. WHIZ CHIP DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD Bangalore. May 18, 2018
14 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and FIABILITE NETWORK SOLUTONS PVT LTD, Bengaluru. FIABILITE NETWORK SOLUTONS PVT LTD, Bengaluru. May 31, 2018
15 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and VI SOLUTIONS Bengaluru. VI SOLUTIONS Bengaluru. May 9, 2018
16 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and T and VS CHENNAI. M/S TEST and VERIFICATION SOLUTIONS CHENNAI. Sept. 27, 2018
17 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and VIDVATH TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD DAVANGERE. VIDVATH TECHNOLOGIES, 1st Cross, opposite to Anjaneya Temple, Davangere-577004. Aug. 27, 2018
18 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Department of Handlooms & Textiles, Government of Karnataka. Department of Handlooms & Textiles, Government of Karnataka, situated at No.86, Shubhodaya Complex, II floor, Kumara ParkWest Road, Bangalore-560 020. April 24, 2018
19 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and PROLIFIC SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD. PROLIFIC SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD, First Floor, LakshminNarayana Complex, No.723, West of Chord Road, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bengaluru-560 086 Sept. 24, 2019
20 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and KBITS, Bengaluru. M/S. Karnataka Biotechnology & Information Technology Services (KBITS), a society under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960,Registered office at 4th Floor, BMTC Building, Shanthi Nagar, Bangalore-560 027. Sept. 28, 2017
21 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and ROVE LABS PVT LTD, Bengaluru. ROVE LABS PVT LTD, #2362, 24th Main Road, 1st Sector, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 102. June 18, 2020
22 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and College of Dental Sciences. College of Dental Sciences, Post Box No. 327, Davangere- 577 004 July 8, 2015
23 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and SKANDA LIFE SCIENCES PVT LTD. Bengaluru. SKANDA LIFE SCIENCES PVT LTD, Sy No. 47, #10, Sri Shaila Bramara Complex, Srigandada Kaval, Bangalore-560091, Karnataka, India. May 23, 2016
24 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and INDIAN CANE POWER LTD. M/S INDIAN CANE POWER LTD UNIT: SAMSONS DISTILLERIES, Duggavathi Village, Harpanahalli Taluk, Davangere District, Karnataka. July 6, 2016
25 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and BIOZEEN Bengaluru. BIOZEEN – BANGALORE BIOTECH LABS PVT LTD., 49/2, Gubbi cross, Hennur-Bagalur Road, Bangalore-560 077. June 2, 2016
26 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Shamanur Sugars Ltd., Davangere. SHAMANUR SUGARS LTD. Duggavathi Village, Harpanahalli Taluk, Davangere District, Karnataka. June 13, 2016
27 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Davangere Sugars Co Ltd. Kukkuwada. Davangere Sugars Co Ltd. Kukkuwada., Davangere Taluk & District-577 525, Karnataka, India. June 13, 2016
28 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and LAXMI GENCHEM SCIENCES PVT LTD. LAXMI GENCHEM SCIENCES PVT LTD. Plot no:KPHB, Pragathi Nagar, Hyderbad-500090, AP, India. June 16, 2016
29 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and CENTRAL DOGMA PRIVATE LIMITED, PUNE. CENTRAL DOGMA PRIVATE LIMITED, CIN:U74900PN2014PTC151301 Office:10, Sagar Apt, Parihar Chowk, Aundh, Pune 411007 June 17, 2016
30 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD. Belludi, Harihar. CARGILL INDIA PVT LTD. Belludi, Harihar (Taluk), Davangere-577 601, Karnataka, India July 13, 2016
31 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and MAGANAHALLI RATNA ENTERPRISES, B Kalapanahalli. MAGANAHALLI RATNA ENTERPRISES, B Kalapanahalli, Davangere. Dec. 4, 2019
32 Memorandum Of Understanding Electrical Electronics Department, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and SUPRITH ELECTRICAL AND ENGINEERING WORKS, Hubli. SUPRITH ELECTRICAL AND ENGINEERING WORKS, No: 1472, R M Lohia Nagar, Gokul Road, Hubballi- 580030. June 26, 2020
33 Memorandum Of Understanding Electrical Electronics Department, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and ELECTRICAL POWER SOLUTIONS, Davanagere. ELECTRICAL POWER SOLUTIONS, Plot No: 59C, KIADB Industrial Area, Karur, P.B. Road,Davanagere-577 004. June 26, 2020
34 Memorandum Of Understanding Department of Information Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and SRI CHID TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD., Bengaluru. SRI CHID TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD.,#563, II Cross, II Main, RBI Layout, JP Nagar, Bangalore-560 078. March 11, 2020
35 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and KARNATAKA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY (KSTA), Bengaluru. KARNATAKA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY (KSTA), Prof. U.R. Rao Vijnana Bhavana, College of Horticulture Entrance, GKVK Campus, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan Road, Doddabettahalli Layout, Vidyaranyapura, Bengaluru-566 097. July 2, 2020
36 Memorandum Of Understanding Bapuji Institute of Engineering and JYOTHY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION (AIC-JITF), Bangalore. JYOTHY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION (AIC-JITF),at Tataguni, Off Kanakapura Road, Bangalore- 560 082. June 3, 2020
37 Memorandum Of Understanding between Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Infosys Campus Connect. INFOSYS LIMITED, Head Campus Connect Education Training & Assessment 44, Electronic City, Hosur Road, Bangalore- 560 100. India. Feb. 7, 2019
38 Memorandum Of Understanding between Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and IBM Academic Initiative. IBM India Private Ltd. st Technology Place, adjacent to Satya Sai Baba Hospital, KIADB Export Promotion Industrial Area, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066. Jan. 1, 2012
39 Memorandum Of Understanding between Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and ICT Academy. ICT Academy, An Initiative of Government of India,State Governmen an Industry ELCOT Complex, 2-7 Developer Plots, Industrial Estate, Perungadi, Chennai – 600 096, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. July 6, 2018
40 Memorandum Of Understanding between Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering EMC2 Academic Allience. EMC Corporation, A Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 176 South Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 (“EMC”), and the organization identified in the EMC Academic Alliance Application (“license”) June 28, 2013
41 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Talent Battle Private Limited. Talent Battle Private Limited a company incorportaed under the companies Act, 1956, having its Registered Ofiice at 2021/A, E WARD, FLAT NO.06 GIRNAR HEIGHTS,6TH LANE,RAJARAMPURI KOLHAPUR - 416008, Maharashtra April 19, 2022
42 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Fresher Profiles Private Limited, Fresher Profiles Private Limited having its registered office at 25/102 Mantri Residency, Banneraghatta Road, KAlena Agrahara, Bengaluru - 560076 Feb. 8, 2022
43 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Pentagon Space India Private Limited, Pentagon Space India Private Limited, Plot No.765, 8th Cross Road, M.R.C.R Extension, Govindaraja Nagar, Bangalore- 560040, Karnatka , India Dec. 27, 2022
44 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Magic Pixel INC. Magic Pixel,#7863W, 155th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas-66223 June 30, 2023
45 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Dlithe Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd. Dlithe Consultancy Services Pvt.Ltd, P.O No 51, 1st main, 6th block, 3rd Phase, 3rd stage, Bangalore-560085 July 5, 2023
46 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and HireMee, unit of KAAM Services Pvt.Ltd HireMee, unit of KAAM Services Pvt.Ltd ,No-483,Seeta Complex, 16th Cross, 8th Main Road, RR Nagar, Bangalore-560098 July 27, 2023
47 Memorandum Of Understanding between Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Prepinsta Technologies Pvt.Ltd Prepinsta Technologies Pvt.Ltd., A42, Priska Pride Tower, 7th Floor, 4, Block A, Industrial Area, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 May 21, 2024

Dr. Nirmala C R
Dean, Placement
Professor and Head
Department of CS&E
Contact No. : +919740770377
Email :

Prof. Raghavendra N T
Placement Officer
Department of Training & Placement
Contact No. : +917338214792
Email :

Mrs.Cheluvi Kalvala
Placement Assistant
Department of Training & Placement
Contact No. : +916301346231
Email :