Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004

Department of Chemical Engineering

Upcoming Events

Nov 28


06:00AM - 06:00PM


Oct 01


10:00AM - 06:00PM


May 29


10:30AM - 12:30PM


May 29


09:00AM - 06:00PM


May 25


10:00AM - 06:00PM


Jan 22

Workshop on Communication Skills for 3rd semester students

10:00AM - 06:00PM

BIET, Davangere

Dec 19

Industrial Visit

06:00AM - 08:00PM

Jindal Paints, Toranagall

Dec 11


10:30AM - 06:00PM

Dept. of Chemical Engg

Dec 09

SAVINENAPU - Global Alumni Meet 2023

10:00AM - 06:00PM

S S M Cultural Center

Oct 21


09:30AM - 06:00PM

S S M Cultural Center

Jun 10


10:00AM - 01:00PM


Jun 10


09:00AM - 10:00AM

Chemical Department,

Jun 02

NBA Expert Committee Visit

09:30AM - 06:00PM

BIET, Davangere

May 29

NIRMANA-3.0-In House Project Exhibition

09:00AM - 05:00PM

S S M Cultural Center

May 27

Invited Talk by Dr. Mallikarjun Avanna Lavate

11:00AM - 12:00PM

Dept. of Chemical Engg

May 27

Farewell to 2019-23 Batch

10:00AM - 12:00PM

Dept. of Chemical Engg

Mar 23


10:00AM - 06:00PM


Feb 06


09:00AM - 05:00PM


Feb 01


10:30AM - 11:30AM


Jan 25


10:00AM - 10:30AM


Dec 29


02:00PM - 04:00PM


Dec 24


02:00PM - 04:00PM


Nov 28


03:00PM - 05:00PM


Nov 25


03:00PM - 05:00PM


Nov 24


10:00AM - 12:00PM


Nov 14


12:00PM - 02:00PM


Nov 14

Inauguration of Forum Activity

10:30AM - 12:30PM

Chemical Department,

Nov 09


10:00AM - 12:00PM


Jul 13

Farewell to Final Year Students

10:00AM - 06:00PM

Chemical Department,

Jun 29


06:00AM - 06:00PM

Chemical Department,

Jun 15


06:00AM - 06:00PM

Chemical Department

May 09


10:30AM - 12:30PM

Chemical Department,

Aug 13

Nirmana 1.0 - Virtual Project Exhibition

09:00AM - 06:00PM

BIET Davanagere

Aug 12

Farewell to Final Year Students

10:00AM - 01:00PM

Dept of Chemical Engg

Aug 12

Welcome to Second Year Students

09:00AM - 10:00AM

Dept of Chemical Engg

Jul 01


11:00AM - 01:00PM

BIET, Davangere

Jun 24

Webinar on Computational Fluid Dynamics

11:00AM - 01:00PM

BIET, Davangere

Jun 21


06:00AM - 06:00PM


Jan 02


10:30AM - 01:00PM

Chemical Engg Dept

Dec 19


10:30AM - 01:00PM

Chemical Engg Dept

All events

Department of chemical engineering came in to being from the academic year 1996-97 with an intake of 30 students. The department was initially affiliated to Kuvempu University and from the year 1999-2000 to VTU Belgaum. So far twenty batches of students have come out of this department. Around 480 students have been graduated from this department with 90 % students securing first class with distinction marks. Fifteen university ranks have been bagged by the students of this department with at least one rank in each year.

The department is having a huge building of 2000 m2 area with an investment of around 125 Lakh on equipment and laboratories. Totally 11 different laboratories have been established with a separate computer lab and internet facilities. Simulation software like CHEMCAD, SOLID EDGE are made available in the department to train the students. A departmental library containing around 900 books has been functioning to cater the needs of students.

The department has highly qualified and experienced staff. Five of the staff members are doctorate holders. The staff members are involved in many R & D projects and many of the staff and student projects are sponsored by agencies like AICTE, DST, VGST, KSCST etc. So far around 60 lakh Rupees worth R & D projects are handled by department faculty and students. Staffs regularly attend QIP and FDP programmes conducted by other reputed institutes for updating technical knowhow. Staff also has published many research papers in national and international journals. The department staff are having expertise in the areas of Environmental Management, Alternative fuels, Pharmaceuticals, etc and accordingly undertake industrial consultancy works as a part of industry institute interaction. The department has achieved 80 % placements and all of our students through on and off campus recruitments. Our students are employed by reputed companies such as Harihar Poly-fibers, Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers, Jindal-Vijaynagar Steels Ltd., Mysore Petrochemicals Raichur, PSK Phrama, Harihara, Synthite Ltd., Kerala, CIPLA, Reddy’s Lab., etc. In addition to this students are also placed in reputed software companies like INFOSYS, TCS, etc. Department students are also placed in Central and State Government organizations like, Pollution Control Boards, BARC, ISRO, CFTRI, Defense laboratories, NCL, Railways, etc.

Many of the department students are pursuing higher studies in reputed institutes like, IITs, NITs and other foreign universities. Many of our students are working in reputed companies abroad and doing well. Students are regularly encouraged to undertake competitive exams like, GMAT, GATE, etc. Guidance for appearing different competitive exams is being offered in the department regularly.

Apart from regular academic work, the department is encouraging students in many co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Students present technical papers in National level seminars and symposiums conducted by other institutes. Many of them have got awards in those presentations. National level symposium in Chemical Engineering “Chemexcel” is being conducted every year.


To train and generate efficient manpower required for effective management of core / allied industries, have a thrust for innovation, undertaking need based research who contribute to Global knowledge and wealth.


  1. To offer a quality and efficient undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering required for successful professional career.

  2. To produce graduates who have ability for creative research (thinking) and an urge for continued learning.

  3. To practice sustainability and promote ecofriendly processes which benefit the engineering profession and society.


a) Strength
  1. Conducive research culture in department.

  2. Excellent placement record.

  3. Strong industry institute interaction.

  4. State of the art instruments for pharmacological and herbal extraction.

  5. Expertise in EIA, Biofuels, and Pharmacological Screening.

  6. Well qualified and experienced faculty.

b) Weakness
  1. Inadequate number of publications in indexed journals.

  2. Research grants and funded research projects are inadequate.

  3. Lack of consultancy work related to industry and society.

c) Opportunities
  1. Opportunities in chemical manufacturing process industries.

  2. Industrial consultancy and process engineering.

  3. Opportunities in pollution control and industrial safety sectors.

  4. Opportunities in pharmaceutical and FMCG sectors.

  5. Opportunities in petroleum and petrochemical industries.

d) Threats
  1. Lack of inculcating novel technologies in curriculum.

  2. Lack of awareness towards potential of chemical engineering among engineering aspirants and society.

  3. Reluctance among graduates to pursue higher education.

  4. Fluctuating trends in global economy.

  5. Inclination of students towards IT and allied courses over core chemical engineering.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. Capability to advance professionally in their chosen career, wherein they apply their professional and generic skills acquired during their course of training.

  2. Exhibit leadership qualities and collaborate successfully while working in multidisciplinary teams to tackle multifaceted problems of industry, society and government.

  3. Ability to design, scale up and regulate systems which meet specific needs of economic, environment and public safety.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Demonstrate the professional and generic skills acquired during their training, needed to apply the principles of chemical engineering in solving real-time problems.

  2. Able to undertake independent research and engage themselves in lifelong learning.

  3. Play a lead role and exhibit economic professional and ethical values.


Dr. C.M. Kalleshappa working as Associate Professor & Head, department of chemical engineering, BIET, Davangere has 22 years of teaching and 5 years of industrial experience. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Chemical Engineering from REC, Hulkoti under Karnatak University, Dharwad in the year 1990 & 1994 respectively. Immediately after graduation he started his industrial career by joining Purex Laboratories, Bangalore as Production Engineer. He was in charge for the production of fine chemicals in the unit. Later in 1995 he joined Shogun Organics Ltd., Kurkumbh, Pune as Project Engineer. In Shogun Organics, he was involved in erection and commissioning of process plant manufacturing D-Trans Allethrin which is used as mosquito repellent in GoodKnight mats. He started his teaching career by joining BIET as lecturer in chemical engineering department in the year 1999. Since inception, he was involved in the establishment of many chemical engineering laboratories in the department. He obtained his Ph.D on research topic “Studies on fluoride status of soils and groundwater in fluorotic areas of Davangere District and its impact on soil properties and on selected crops” from VTU, Belagavi in the year 2011. He is actively involved in research work and guided one student for Ph.D. under VTU, Belagavi. He was principal investigator for “Centre for Innovative Science Education (CISE) “scheme of VGST grant for Rs 30 lakhs on research topic “Pharmacological screening of traditional medicines”. He was the Chairman, BOE and Member BOS of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Composite Board. He has published many papers and attended conferences. He is convener, Student Academic Council, BIET, Member, Press & Media Committee, BIET, Davangere.

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Faculty Members



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Technical Staff

Mr. Gururaj T

Asst. Instructor

Supporting Staff

Mr. Mallikarjuna A.P


Faculty Research details


Ph.D. Guiding & Guided details


Publications Faculty Name Google Scholar link IRINS

Books/Book Chapters Published

Sl. No Title of the Book Chapter Author/s Year of Publication Name of Publisher/s
1 Air pollution modelling from meteorological parameters using artificial neural network Dr. G P Desai, Dr. S N Hosmane 2018 Springer


  • Received AICTE Grants of Rs. 5 lakh for the Project “Defluoridation of Water” in the year 1998-99 (Ref. No. 8017 RDII/R&D 631-98/99). Dr. S.S. Hotanahalli and Dr. G.P. Desai were the project investigators.

  • Received AICTE Grants of Rs. 5 lakh for the Project “The Production of Bio-diesel from Acid Oil (Cheap Renewable Source) and Performance Studies of a Diesel Engine using Bio-diesel” in the year 2006-07 Ref. No. 8023/BOR/RPS-119/2006-07, Dated: 26-02-2007). Dr. S Shanmukhappa and Dr. S. Kumarappa were the project investigators.

  • Received VTU Grants of Rs. 5.10 lakh for the Project “Investigations on Evaluation of Calliandra calothyrsus for Production of Bio-ethanol” in the year 2009-10 (Ref. No. VTU/ACA/2009-10/A-9/11707 Dated 06-01-2010). Dr. B M Kulkarni and Dr. S.Shanmukhappa were the project investigators.

  • Received AICTE Grants of Rs. 12 lakh for the Project “Modernisation of Process Simulation Lab” in the year 2011-12 (Ref. No.8024/RIFD/MOD-40 (pvt)/Policy-111/2011-12). Dr. S Shanmukhappa and Dr. G P Desai were the project investigators.

  • Received VGST Grants of Rs. 0.4 lakh for the Project “Design Development and Performance Evaluation of Through Circulation Dryer for Recovery of Pupae Oil from Pupae: A Waste Product of Silk Reeling Operation” in the year 2011-12 (Ref: VGST/TRIP/2012-13/242, Dated 22-12-2012). Dr. B M Kulkarni and Dr. S.Shanmukhappa were the project investigators.

  • Received VGST Grants of Rs. 30 lakh for the Project “Pharmacological Screening of Traditional Medicines” in the year 2011-12 (Ref. No. VGST/P-8/CISE/2011-12/1147 Dated 22-12-2011). Dr. C M Kalleshappa and Dr. B M Kulkarni were the project investigators.

  • Received AICTE Grants of Rs. 9 lakh for the Project “Techno Performance Evaluation of Bio-Methanation of Kitchen Waste” in the year 2012-15. Dr. B M Kulkarni and Dr. S. Kumarappa were the project investigators.

  • Received NAIN Grants of Rs. 1.5 lakh for the Project “Utilization of Tamarind Seeds to Produce Value Added Products” in the year 2018-19. Dr. Mamatha M was the project investigator.

  • Received NAIN Grants of Rs. 1.55 lakh for the Project “Synthesis of Sodium Silicate and Pure Carbon from Rice Husk Ash and its Applications” in the year 2018-19. Smt. Shashikala K.J was the project investigator.

  • Received NAIN Grants of Rs. 1.8 lakh for the Project “Synthesis of Zeolite from Coal Ash by Fusion Method” in the year 2018-19. Dr. G.P Desai was the project investigator.

  • Received KSCST Grants of Rs. 1.57 lakh for 24 Students Projects from 2006-07 to 2019-2020

  • Received BIET Institute Grants of Rs. 0.15 lakh for 3 Students Projects from 2016-77 to 2018-2019

  • A project entitled "Investigation on Red chilly as potential source of oleoresins" received NAIN grants of 2.36 lakhs. under the guidance of Dr. Praveen Kumar D. G. This project was awarded as best chemical engineering projects at project inhouse exhibition conducted on 20-07-2022.

  • Received VTU grants of Rs. 5000 for the academic year 2021-2022 to the project entitled "Investigation on red chilly as a potential source of oleoresin". Dr. Praveen Kumar D G was the principal investigator.

  • Received INSTITUTE Grants of Rs. 5,000 for the academic year 2022-2023 to the project entitled "Waste management eggshell as a calcium supplement" Smt. Shashikala K J was the principal investigator.

  • Received INSTITUTE Grants of Rs. 5,000 for the academic year 2021-2022 to the project entitled "Extraction of cellulose fiber from areca husk and its application in manufacturing of rayon" Dr. C. M Kalleshappa was the principal investigator.

  • Received VTU grants of Rs. 5000 for the academic year 2021-2022 to the project entitled "Removal of heavy metals from industrial and municipal waste water effluents using cyanobacteria biomass". Smt. Shashikala K J was the principal investigator.

  • Received KSCST Grants of Rs. 10,000 for the academic year 2021-2022 to the project entitled "Decolourisation and COD reduction of textile waste water by advanced oxidation process" Srinidhi R Kulkarni and Amarnath P C were the principal investigator.

  • Received KSCST Grants of Rs. 10,000 for the academic year 2021-2022 to the project entitled "Study on development of chemical/blend for removal of lead sulphate build upon plates of lead acid batteries so has to increase their service life" Dr. G P Desai was the principal investigator.

  • Received VTU grants of Rs. 5000 for the academic year 2020-2021 to the project entitled "Extraction of Silver from used X-ray films". Smt. Shashikala was the principal investigator

  • Received VTU grants of Rs. 5000 for the academic year 2020-2021 to the project entitled "Production of Biodiesel from waste cooking oil". Dr. Praveen Kumar D G was the principal investigator.

  • Received KSCST Grants of Rs. 6000 for the academic year 2022-2023 to the project entitled "Investigation of moisture retention properties of cotton fabric through biopolymer coating to grow saplings" Srinidhi R Kulkarni and Amarnath P C were the principal investigator.

  • Received NAIN grant of 2 Lakhs Project Proposal Entitled “Development of Thermoelectric Coolers for Remote Power Generation using Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) Based Materials” is selected under NAIN. Dr. Praveen Kumar D G is the mentor.


  • Dr. Praveen Kumar D G has published a patent on "Automated Footstep with footwear sole cleaning mechanism for Automobiles" date of filing 23-04-2024.

Laboratory: MO Lab
Laboratory: IMA Lab
Laboratory: HT Lab
Laboratory: CRE Lab
Laboratory: TC Lab
Laboratory: Comp Lab
Laboratory: PC Lab
Laboratory: R & D Lab
Laboratory: MT Lab

Laboratory Facilities

S.No. Name of Lab Qty Configuration/Specification Software
1. Mechanical Operations Lab 1 Jaw crusher, Hammer mill, Ball mill, Pneumatic conveyor, Drop weight crusher, Plate and frame filter press, leaf filter, Rotary sieve shaker, Basket centrifuge, Liquid Agitator, Free settling, Air permeability apparatus, Hot air oven, Mineral Jig, Pulveriser. -
2. Instrumental Analysis & Environmental Engg. Lab 1 Bomb calorimeter, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, pH meter, Conductivity meter, Refractometer, Redwood Viscometer, Turbidity meter, Flame photometer, TLC kit, Fire poinr apparatus, MV-Titrator Potentiometer, Melting point poinr and flash point apparatus, Orsat apparatus, Cloud point apparatus, Fermentor, Polarograph, BOD Incubator -
3. Heat Transfer Lab 1 Evaporators, Double Pipe Heat Exchanger, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger, Steam Boiler, Finned & Bare Tube Heat Exchanger, Horizontal & Vertical condenser, Liquid agitation Heat transfer in packed bed, Heat transfer in jacketed vessel -
4. Chemical Reaction Engg. Lab 1 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Plug Flow Reactor, Multiple Continuous Stirred Tank, reactor, RTD Studies in CSTR, RTD Studies in PFR, Semi Batch Reactor, Batch Reactor, Compressor -
5. Technical Chemistry Lab 1 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Conductivity meter, Calorimeter, pH meter, Muffle furnace, High vacuum pump THVD-150, High vacuum pump THVD-600 -
6. Mass Transfer Operations Lab 1 Packed bed Adsorption column, Bubble Cap Distillation, Cabinet Tray Drier, Tray Drier, Liquid-Liquid Extraction Column, Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Set up, Steam Distillation, Simple Distillation, Reverse Osmosis Unit, Wetted Wall column, Rotary Shaker, Vapor Diffusion Set up, Surface Evaporation, Hot Air Oven, Weighing Balance 125 g, Muffle Furnace, Packed Bed Distillation with Compressor, Soxhlet Extraction, Fixed bed adsorption equipment, Magnetic stirrer (10 nos), Heating mantle, Super critical fluid extractor, Digital electronic weighing balance -
7. Computer Application & Process simulation Lab 1 14 IBM PC’S, P4, 3 ACER PC’S, 13 WIPRO PC’S, 13 i3, 8 i5, 1 HP Laser Printer, P2014, 1 Dot Matrix Printer, 1 HP Scanner, 1 UPS 5KVA, 2 UPS 3 KVA,1 UPS 1 KVA, 1 UPS 500 Vas Networking of Department Computers, CHEMCAD Software, Pro simulation – Simulation software, Overhead Projector, Laptop, 8 Microline HCL PC’S, UPS, Microline LAN, Canon printer, Inkjet printer, Colour matrix, P3 computer CHEMCAD, Pro simulation – Simulation software
8. Process Control Lab 1 Interacting Tanks, Non-Interacting Tanks, I to P Trainer P to I Trainer, Temperature Transducers, Pneumatic valves, Liquid Level System for step Input, Liquid Level System for Impulse Input, Tuning of Controllers P&PID, Tuning of Controllers PD&PID, PI Trainer Constant Temperature Bath, Level Control trainer, Control Valve Characteristics -
9. R & D lab 1 Supercritical fluid extractor, FTIR, spectrophotometer, Biological fermentor, Autoclave, fuel testing analyser, Microwave oven, refrigerator, incubator -

Major Equipments

  • "Laboratory Fermenter MBF 3 (Model): with PH Electrode auto clavable, peristatic pump, Antifoam controller, Verticle autoclave, Multi purpose, S.S. rack and DO2 Amplifier"

  • SFT 110 Super critical fluid extractor: 100 ml vessel, 10000 psi & 200°C operation includes heaters, RTD and base plate hand tight operation no wrenches needed

  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer: L160000A Spectrum two FT-IR / SP10 S/W

  • Conductivity /TDS Meter TDS 2DISR (HANNA)

  • PH Meter 1-14 PH pen type HANNA

  • Portable Water Proof Ion Meter Model: 3205, Make: Jenway Ltd. U.K. supplied with PH temp probe (027 227) PH 4 & 7 buffers, electrode lead (013161) BNC lead (538014) & manual, combination PH electrode (924001) flouride ion selective electrode 924305, flouride standard (100ppm 025150) flouride ISAB 025/07

  • "Reverse Osmasis Plant, 100 Lph flow rate, complete set with a.) Softner b.) Sand filter c.) U.V. Plant d.) Kit mounted with Bo-plant fully automatic"

  • "Packed Bed Distillation glass set with 3 necked round bottom flask (Cap. 1000ml) with required adopter to connect a thermowell, stop cock, a packed bed coloumn filled with packing fitted with a condensor"

  • "Adsorption equipment (fixed bed adsorber) Fabrication consisting of 100mm. Dia S S pipe of 1m long with 100 mesh perforated plate on both ends. 02 nos. stainless steel storage tanks, 1/2 H.P. pump, rotometer of 0-150lph and S.S. Pipings"

  • "Electric Tray Drier 12 tray capacity, Max 200°C, rating 6kw. Aditional accessories 1. Electronic digital temp indicating controller with P.T. 100 sensor 2. Automatic non-indicating controller with PT 100 sensor 3. Timer with alaram 4. Aluminium Trays Preethi make"

  • Digital Bomb Caloriemeter with safety device and Bomb certified by (RTC) (Govt. of India) and water jacket with puff insulation

  • "Dissolved Oxygen Meter (ECD O602 PLUSK) Electrode Sl. No. 578118, Eutech Singapore make: Sl. No. 629845 "

  • "B.O.D. Incubator Temp. range 5°C-60°C with an accuracy of ± 0.5°C, 220/230 Vol. size: 830 x 505 x 415 mm. capacity 175 ltr. a. Voltage stabilizer"

  • "UV-VIS Digital Spectro Photometer (200-1000 nm) Sl. No. 919, type 101183"

  • "Flame Photometer, Compressor 128, Make: ""Systronics"""

  • "Orsat Appartus unit with three absorption pipettes of two compartment type, Make: JSGW, Model: 705"





Classroom: 4th Year
Classroom: 3rd Year
Classroom: 2nd Year
Classroom: Library

Department Library

DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY Number of Titles : 151 Number of Books : 1020

Department Advisory Board (DAB) Members

S.No. Member Designation
1 Dr. Aravinda H. B. Principal
2 Prof. Y. Vrushabhendrappa Director
3 Dr. C. M. Kalleshappa Head of Department
4 Dr. Anil Kumar C.P IQAC Coordinator
5 Dr. Dinesh Y.N Dean Academic
6 Dr. Nirmala C.R Dean Placement
7 Dr. G. P Desai Professor
8 Dr. Praveen Kumar D G Associate Professor
9 Smt. Shashikala K J. Assistant Professor
10 Mr. Amarnath P C. Assistant Professor
11 Mr. KshitijBasavaraj Industry Expert MD, PSK Pharma Ltd.
12 Mr. Raghavendra K Industry Expert Synthite Industries Ltd.
13 Mr. Anil Patil Alumni Representative Manager Production Synthite Industries Ltd.
14 Mr. Ashoka N H Alumni Senior Director, Biocon, Bangalore
15 Parimala Parent Govt. Primary School Teacher
16 Shivakumar K G Parent Agriculturist
17 Keerthana R Y Student
18 Jessica Prakash Student

Program Assessment Committee (PAC) Members

S.No. Member Designation
1 Dr. C. M. Kalleshappa Professor and HOD
2 Dr. Praveen Kumar D G Associate Professor
3 Amarnath P.C Assistant Professor
4 Shashikala K J Assistant Professor

SAR Report

Students placed in various companies

Academic Year No. of companies visited No. of students hired Highest Package
In campus Off campus
2023-24 7 8 6 5
2022-23 6 4 8 5
2021-22 9 4 14 5
2020-21 10 2 15 4
2019-20 5 1 9 4
2018-19 6 2 9 5
2017-18 5 2 18 5
2016-17 4 2 17 4


PRESIDENT, CuraTeQ Biologics Pvt Ltd (a subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd)

Dr. Satakarni is a scientific leader effective at leading turnaround situations, formulating start-up strategies, and leading integrated biologics and plasma fractionation business units. He has involved in building up of a Biotech Organization from scratch brick by brick, managed investments, created strategy, and organised top-notch infrastructure. He has been listed as Eight Key Influencers in Biologics Manufacturing Industry in India for contributions to the sector, in 2013. Recognised as Top 30 executive MBAs for 2015 by Poets and Quants. He is a proud Alumnus of our department, completed his graduation in Chemical Engineering in the year 2002. He pursued his Ph.D from University of Manchester. He worked as Functional Lead of Cell Culture Process Development in Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. He worked as Group Leader and Head of Mammalian Upstream Process Development and Pilot Plant Function in Hospira, Adelaide. He went on to pursue executive MBA from IMD Business School, Switzerland. He has served as Plant Head - Biopharma Operations and Site Engineering in Intas Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad. Later promoted as Sr. VP and Head - Biopharma and Celestial (plasma derived proteins) Biologics Business Divisions. Joined Aurobindo Pharma as President and Co-founder in the year 2016. Presently serving as President, CuraTeQ Biologics Pvt Ltd (a subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd).


VP – Innovation & Quality, Cupron Inc

Dr. Vikram Kanmukhla is responsible for integrating Cupron technology into polymers and interfacing with partner companies in product development. In this capacity, he oversees Cupron R&D lab and QAQC lab in the United States. His area of expertise is antimicrobial chemistry, material science including particle synthesis, surface functionalization and material characterization. Prior to joining Cupron, Dr. Kanmukhla worked in different industries including nanomaterials, paints & pigments, petroleum and agrochemical industries. Dr. Kanmukhla received his PhD in Chemical engineering from University of Missouri and bachelors of engineering in Chemical Engineering from Department of Chemical Engineering, B.I.E.T, Davanagere.


Director - Quality Assurance, R&D, PSK Pharma, Harihar

Mr. Kshitij Basavaraj is a proud Alumnus of department of chemical engineering, completed his graduation in Chemical Engineering in the year 2002. He secured 7th rank in the state and received ISTE Best Student Award during his graduation days. He joined as a Process Engineer, Technical Cell, in Grasim Industries Kumarapatnam. He was involved in Planning and Management of Projects and Energy Audits. He pursued his MBA, Operations & Manufacturing from Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburg, USA. Served as a Management Consultant Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton, London, UK. Presently working as Director, Quality Assurance, R&D at PSK Pharma, Harihar.

Staff Achievements

  • Smt. Shashikala K J is the Principal Investigator for NAIN funded project of Rs. 1.8 Lakhs entitled " A study on Removal of Constituents from Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and its Applications" in 2018-19

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa served as ISTE Faculty Advisor, BIET, Students Chapter, BIET Chapter 2020

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa served as Convener, Student Association, BIET, (2020) and Member Secretary, Water Committee, BIET 2020.

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa visited as External Expert for Academic Audit, SDM College of Engineering

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa worked as BOE Chairman Chemical /Petrochem Board, VTU Belagavi

  • Dr. Praveen Kumar D G secured Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering, at BIET, Under VTU Belgaum in 2019.

  • Dr. Praveen Kumar D G promoted as Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering department from 01-02-2022.

  • Dr. Praveen Kumar D G is the Principal Investigator for NAIN funded project of Rs. 2.36 Lakhs entitled " Extraction of Oleoresins from Chillies"

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa was the Principal Investigator for VGST funded project of Rs. 30 Lakhs on the theme "Pharmacological Screening of Traditional Medicines"

  • Dr. Praveen Kumar D G served as Member BOE, VTU Belgaum during 2016-17, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2022-23

  • Dr. G P Desai is the Principal Investigator for NAIN funded project of Rs. 1.8 Lakhs entitled " Synthesis of Zeolite from fly ash by fusion method" in 2018-19

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa working as NIRF Nodal Officer, BIET, during 2021, 2023

  • Dr. C M Kalleshappa working as BOS Chairman, Chemical /Polymer Board (2022-25), VTU , Belagavi

  • All the faculty members attended 3 days workshop on “Research and IPR” from 16-01-2024 to 18-01-2024 at SSM Cultural Center.

  • Prof. Shashikala K J and Prof. Srinidhi R Kulkarni attended one week FDP on “Mastering IoT: Hands-on Training for Sensor Integration, Devices and Cloud Services” organised by E&C Department from 04-12-2023 to 09-12-2023.

Student Achievements

  • Pavan Kumar, Akvil Rose, Shimran and Shrinivasa B H participated in ADVITIYA-19 held at KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi on 20-21, September, 2019.

  • Manoj B.K, Varun C.K., Yashraj Patil and Faizal Abdul participated in Workshop on Recent Advances in Chemical Scienc & Engineering held at KSTA, DST, GoK, and Bangalore on 5-7, September 2019

  • Yashraj Patil, Manoj B K, Karthik H H, Balaji, Varun C K, Akib khan, Faizal, Anand Rupe, Guruprasad, Akvil Rose, Prashobin, Sharan G C, Pavan Kumar and Srinivasa B H participated in Workshop on E-step start-up boot-camp, organized by K-tech, Innovative Karnataka, Government of Karnataka held at BIET on 28th August 2019

  • Rohan, Chetan, Pavan, Yashvant, Akshay, Kevin, Mohmed and Shan participated in In-house Project Exhibition cum Presentation organized by R & D Cell, BIET on 25th May 2019

  • Pavan Kumar I.B, Sharan Geenakeri and Srinivas B.H participated in Chemovation-2019 organized by DSCE, Bangalore on 3 and 4th May 2019

  • Rahul Kumar A.S. and Rithik R participated in Invento-2K19 organized by STJIT Ranebennur on 5th April 2019

  • Nandeesh D R, Akib Khan H S, Amulya T M, Sahana H K, Seema K, Karthik H H, Rahul kumar A S, Sammed Patil and Anand R Rupe participated in Insignia-19 organized by SDMCET Dharwad on 23rd and 24th March 2019

  • Pavan Kumar I B, Shashank S M, Varun C K, Faizal Abdul Razak, Yashraj S Patil, Mallikarjun Hiremath, Manoj B K, and Khadar Basha participated in Biochess-2019 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering S I T, Tumkur on 12th March 2019

  • Abrar Ahamed, Pavan Kumar I.B, Shashank, and Sharan Geenakeri participated in Advitya-18 organized by Department of Civil Engineering KLE, Hubballi on 28-29th September 2018

  • Abrar Ahamed participated in Hackathon-2018 organized by JNNCE Shivamogga on 4-5th September 2018

  • Darshini, Swathi, Sharan and Abrar Ahamed participated in Biochess 2018 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering S I T, Tumkur, on 20th March 2018

  • MUC Radha Madhavi and Arifa Nazma N participated in Kaagaz organized by Department of Civil Engineering BIET, Davangere on 8-05-2017

  • Anisha Mohan and Vaibhav Joshi secured 1st prize in Quiz in Eco Innovation organized by Department of Chemical Engineering DSCE, Bangalore on 6th and 7th April 2017

  • MUC Radha Madhavi and Arifa Nazma N secured 1st prize in poster presentation in Eco Innovation organized by Department of Chemical Engineering DSCE, Bangalore on 6th and 7th April 2017

  • Ameer Sadat Hassan Ali and Mehtab Khan G presented a paper in Biochess 16 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering S I T, Tumkur on 12-03-2016

  • Sachin M and Mathew Stephen presented a paper in Biochess 16 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering S I T, Tumkur on 12-03-2016

  • Arifa Najma Nazar and M U C Radha Madhavi presented a paper in Biochess 16 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering S I T, Tumkur on 12-03-2016

  • Ameer Sadat and Akarsh S A participated in INSIGNIA 15 organized by SDMCET, Dharwad on 20-03-2015

  • Gagana M B of 4th semester, Department of Chemical Engineering participated and presented a paper in International conference “The Changing global Order: Tackling Challenges Through Harmony” Organized by Asia World Model United Nations V from 27-30th May 2023.

  • Four Students of 5th semester Manjula C, Suheena N P, Srushti V Ladwa and Uma B completed NPTEL course on “Polymer Process Engineering” (12 weeks) offered by IIT, Roorkee.

  • Hemanth K P 7th semester student won first place in Quiz competition organized by JJM Medical College on the occasion of Karnataka Rajyostava-2023.

  • 16 students from the Department have attended Student Outreach Program 2024 held on 4-6 March 2024 at Mumbai.

Forum Activities


Association of Chemical Engineers (ACES), A forum of Chemical Engineers, Department of Chemical Engineering, BIET, was established in the year 1997 under the stewardship of Dr. S.S. Hotanahalli, the then HOD, Chemical Engineering. Head of Department will be the president of ACES and staff and students will be the members of Association. Since its inception, the ACES conduct Student centric activities under the guidance of department head and staff members. One staff member will be the Treasurer of ACES. There will be student members like General Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Treasurer to run the office of ACES. The association will conduct the activities like Inauguration of Forum, Welcome to Freshers to the department, Farewell to outgoing students, Teacher’s day Celebration etc. ACES also conducts CHEMEXCEL, A National Level Students’ Symposium every year. On behalf of association industrial visits, Guest Lectures, Cultural Events, Sports Events, Workshops, etc., were organized frequently.

The following events are conducted regularly by CHForum:

Sl.No. Event Event Descrption
1. National Level Student's Symposium National level student symposium CHEMEXCEL-2K19 was held on 25.10.2019.Er. Jasmail Singh, Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India), Karnataka State Centre, Former Additional Chief Engineer, BWSSBand Sri. Sandeep C. S., Regional Manager, Business Development, Vapco Engineers, Mumbai were the chief guests of the event. Prof. Y Vrushabhendrappa, Director, BIET will preside over the function. Dr. M. C. Nataraja, Principal, BIET, Dr. H.B Aravinda, Chairman IE(I), Dr. B.E. Rangaswamy, Chairman, ISTE, BIET Chapter, Dr. G.P Desai, Convener & HOD, Chemical Engineering, Dr. Praveen Kumar D.G., Organizing Secretary were present on the occasion.
1. CHEMEXCEL-2022 National Level Students' Symposium
2. Forum Inauguration “Association of Chemical Engineers” inauguration was held on 17.08.2019. Dr. M.C. Nataraja Principal was the president of the function Dr. G P Desai was the chief guest of the inauguration function.
3. Cultural Event Participation 22 Students from all semesters of Chemical Engineering have participated in Namma Davana 2019 in the events like, technical paper presentation, debate, quiz, creative writing skit, short movie making and photography on 25-27th April 2019
4. National Level Student's Symposium National level student symposium CHEMEXCEL-2019 was held on 23.03.2019.Sri Vijay Kumar Gogi, IFS, Principal Secretary, Forest, Environment and Ecology Department, Government of Karnataka and Sri Rakesh Kannah M., Lead Consultant, ThoughtWorks Technologies (India), Bangalore were the chief guests of the event. Prof. Y Vrushabhendrappa, Director, BIET will preside over the function. Dr. M. C. Nataraja, Principal, BIET, Dr. H.B Aravinda, Chairman IE(I), Dr. B.E. Rangaswamy, Chairman, ISTE, BIET Chapter, Dr. G.P Desai, Convener & HOD, Chemical Engineering, Mr. Praveen Kumar D.G., Organizing Secretary were present on the occasion
5. Forum Inauguration “Association of Chemical Engineers” inauguration was held on 19.09.2018. Dr. S Subrahmanya Swamy was the president of the function Prof. Y. Vrushabhendrappa and Dr. G P Desai was the chief guest of the inauguration function
6. Teachers' Day Teacher’s day celebration was done on 19-09-2018 by the students of chemical engineering.
7. Farewell Farewell to outgoing students of 2014-2018 bath students was held on 26.05.2018.
8. National Level Student's Symposium National level student symposium CHEMEXCEL-2018 was held on 23.03.2018.Smt.Rajeshwari Kulli, Deputy Environmental Officer, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Belgaum was the chief guest of the event. . Sri A.C. Jayanna, treasurer, BEA & Chairman BIET was the president of the function. Prof.Y.Vrushabhendrappa, Director of BIET, Dr.S. SubrahmanyaSwamy, Principal, BIET, Dr. G.P Desai, Convener & HOD Chemical Engineering, Mr. Praveen Kumar D.G., Organizing secretary were present on the occasion.
9. Interdepartmental Sports Event Chemexon-2018, Interdepartmental event on Treasure Hunt, Quiz, Mini-milita, Badminton, Carom and Chess competition was held in association wit sports department on 14-16, March 2018.
10. Forum Inauguration "Association of Chemical Engineers” inauguration was held on 19.11.2021. Sri Santhos Kuma Guddad, Senior Director, plant lead for monoclonal antibody facility, Biocon Biologics , principal Dr. H B Aravind and Prof. Y Vrushabhendrappa was the chief guest , Dr. C. M Kalleshappa was the pracident of the Inauguration function.

Department Activities

The following department activities were conducted:

  • Sri. Sandeep C. S., Regional Manager, Business Development, Vapco Engineers, Mumbai delivered a lecture on “ Chemical Industry Plant Installations and Services” on 25-10.2019

  • The Alumni Association of Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology and department of chemical engineering jointly organized a virtual alumni meet on 19-12-2020 in Department of Chemical Engineering. The premeditated objective was to interact with the alumni, planning future events, conducting alumni satisfaction survey, taking alumni feedback etc. The event was conducted successfully. About 30 alumni in total participated. The event was thought-provoking and pleasant as all members shared their opinions and good number of new ideas, information and insights came up.

  • Dr. Navin K Rastogi, Chief scientist and Head Department of Food Engineering CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute Govt. of India, Mysore, delivered guest lecture on “Emerging Technologies in food engineering” on 20-09-2019.

  • The Chemical Engineering Department of the Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology organized a virtual parent-teachers meet on Saturday 2nd January 2021 at the Chemical Engineering department. The main objective of the meeting was to interact with the parents and get to know their opinions, suggestions and the feedback from them. The event was completed successfully, around 25 parents attended the event and almost all of them were involved in the interaction. The event gave us a broad insight into the expectation of the parents about the Department and College, and our Professors assured them about their expectations.

  • Mr. Keerthan B graduate traninee, Aerospace processing India Pvt. Ltd., Hattaragi, Belagavi. Delivered a invited talk on “Carries Advancement through GATE” on 17-08-2019.

  • Sri Rakesh Kannah M, lead consultant thought works technologies (India), Bangalore was delivered a guest lecture on “Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering” on 22-03-2019.

  • Rajkumar Joshi,Scientist, Dept. of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi on “Municipal Solid Waste Management in India and Effect of Season on lechate quality” on 8th March 2019

  • Kiran O.V., Business Development Associate, Byjus, Bangalore gave a talk on preparation for GRE, TOFEL, GATE and Profile building for perusing higher studies on 03.10.2018

  • Rajeshwari Kulli, Deputy Environmental Officer, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Belgaum, gave a talk on Environmental Legislations on 23.03.2018

  • Shivanand M Dambal, Chairman and Managing Director EHS Group of companies, Bangalore, gave a talk on Environmental health and safety on 21-10-2016

  • Shankar AnandLali, Manager, Mysore Paper Mills. Ltd., Badravathi has delivered a guest lecture on “New Technologies in paper making & opportunities for chemical engineers” on31-03-2016

  • Mr. Balagi, faculty “Art of living” by Ravishankar Guruji team has given a “Personality development talk” on 01-03-2016

  • All the students of chemical engineering visited AT&S India Private Ltd., Industrial Area Nanjangud, Mysore on 12.10.2019

  • All the students of chemical engineering visited M/s Davangere Sugar Ltd. Kukkawada on 19-02-19

  • All the students of Chemical Engineering visited Grasim Industries Ltd. Karwar on 10.11.2017.

  • All the students of Chemical Engineering visited KMF Dharwad on 09.11.2017

  • All the students of Chemical Engineering students visited M/s Ramco Cement Ltd. Mathodu on 31.03.2017

  • Students of 5thsem visited “Meghana Biotech lab” tissue culture lab on 26-08-2016 at Belavanur, Davangere.

  • Students of 5thsem visited the industry M/s. P.S.K.PharmaHarihar on 26-08-2016

B.E. Time Table

Semester: 4 Section: A

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Semester: 6 Section: A

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Semester: 8 Section: A

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Semester: 3 Section: A

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Semester: 3 Section: A

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Semester: 5 Section: A

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Semester: 5 Section: A

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Semester: 7 Section: A

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Semester: 7 Section: A

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Calender of Events

Semester: Even 2021

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Semester: Even 2020

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Semester: Even 2019

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Semester: Feb July 2018

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Semester: Odd 2019-20

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Semester: Odd 2017-18

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Semester: Odd 2021

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Semester: Odd 2022

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Semester: Odd 2018-19

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Learning Materials

18CH32 Notes

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18CH33 Notes

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18CH34 Notes

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18CHL38 Notes

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18CH45 Notes

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18CH51 Notes

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18CH52 Notes

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18CH54 Notes

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17CH61 Notes

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17CH73 Notes

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17CH742 Notes

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17CH753 Notes

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15CH831 Notes

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2023-2024

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2022-2023

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2021-2022

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2020-2021

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2019-2020

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2018-2019

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2017-2018

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  • 1. Use of ICT tools like Smart Boards, PowerPoint presentations for effective teaching.

  • 2. Conduction of online classes through platforms like MS-Teams, Cisco Webex Meeting

  • 3. Organizing national level symposiums for increasing communication and oratory skills of students

  • 4. Facilitating interactive platforms for students using Blogs

4th Semester Result Analysis

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6th Semester Result Analysis

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8th Semester Result Analysis

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3rd Semester Result Analysis

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5th Semester Result Analysis

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7th Semester Result Analysis

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