Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004

Governing Body

Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa, Hon.Secretary, Bapuji Educational Association


Sri Athani S. Veeranna


Sri S.S. Mallikarjuna, Joint Secretary, B.E.A


Dr. Prabha Mallikarjuna


Sri. A.S. Niranjan


Prof. Y. Vrushabhendrappa, Director


Dr. H.B. Aravind, Principal


S.NO. Name Position
1. Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa, BEA Chairman
2. A.S. Veeranna, BEA Member
3. Sri. S.S. Mallikarjuna, BEA Member
4. Sri. A.S. Niranjan, BEA Member
5. Smt. Prabha Mallikarjuna, BEA Member
6. Regional Officer, SWRO, AICTE, Bengaluru(Ex-Officio)> Member
7. Industrialist/Technologist/Educationalist, Nominated by AICTE Member
8. Nominee of AICTE Member
9. Nominee of VTU, Belagavi Member
10. State Govt. Nominee, DTE (Ex-Officio) Member
11. Prof. Y. Vrushabhendrappa, Director, BIET Member
12. DR. H.B. Aravind, Principal, BIET Member Secretary


The governing body is the supreme body resposible for the management of the institution. Its function shall include the following:

  • To form the sub-committees and consider the recommendations made by the committees.

  • To consider and approve the prospals for creation of infrastructure such as building, equipment, library on continuous basis.

  • To approve the budget estimates- recurring and non-recurring for the financial year in advance.

  • To scrutinize and accept the audited statement of account yearly.

  • To consider and make provisions for meeting the general and specific conditions laid by the AICTE, the State Government and University and to monitor the progress in fulfilling the conditions.

  • To consider the report of the Director/Principal on status of admission.

  • Shall monitor the working conditions of the staff as prescribed by the affiliating body/ government.

  • Shall consider the proposals of the Principal for improvement in academic performance of the Staff.

  • Shall consider any other matter that enhances the academic atmosphere in the Institution.

  • Shall consider any proposal for expansion of educational activities to be sent to the affiliating body/ government.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To formulate the academic aims and objectives of the institution and guide the institute towards the achievement for which the Institute was established.

  • To adopt the fees structure and other charges payable by students of the college as per the State Government/ University rules.

  • To delegate the administrative and financial powers to the Principal, Director and other functionaries for smooth functioning of institution.

  • To approve the appointment of teaching staff through selection committee constituted in accordance with the norms prescribed by University/AICTE and State Government.

  • Shall ensure implementation of provision of acts, instructions, rules and regulations prescribed by AICTE/University and Government of Karnataka in matters of service conditions of staff relating to appointment, leave, Provident Fund, age of retirement and disciplinary actions.

  • To review and consider the observance and compliance of instructions issued by affiliating University, AICTE and Government of Karnataka.

  • Shall ensure that the building, land, furniture and facilities are not being used for any other purpose (such as holding political meetings, communal meetings), except for running AICTE approved courses in the institute.

  • To consider approval for expansion new program leading to degrees.

  • Shall regulate and enforce discipline among members of teaching and non-teaching staff in accordance with the rules/ procedure laid down by BEA rules.

  • Shall approve the Annual Budget of the College.

  • Shall appoint an Auditor, who is a registered Chartered Account and listed in the approved list of such registered Chartered Accountants in consultation with Hon. Secretary (appointment of the Auditor will be done by the association).

  • Shall ensure the availability/generation of resources for the development of institution with basic facilities and also to meet subsequent additional facilities as laid by the affiliating bodies and the standards needed for the Engineering and Technology Institutes.

  • Shall frame a strategy for the overall development of the staff such as Quality Improvement Programs, deputation of the staff for workshops and seminars.

  • To consider the report of the Principal on the academic performance of the students.

Frequency of Meetings

The member secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairman convene the meeting of the Governing Body at least twice a year and such other occasions as may be necessary. The member secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairman prepare the agenda for the meeting.