Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004

Department of Structural Engineering

Upcoming Events

Jan 05

Career Development Workshop

12:00PM - 06:00AM

Civil Engineering Block

Aug 30

Technical Seminar Presentation

10:00AM - 06:00PM

Structural Engg Dept

All events

The Dept of Structural Engineering at BIET is the youngest department of this institute. It was established in 2010. The department has produced a batch of eminent Structural Engineers. In total there are 33 students pursuing master degree in the department. The department is known for its reputed faculty having expertise in diverse field. The faculty of the department continuous to strive loftier by exploring new frontiers of knowledge.The department contributes to the interdisciplinary academic and research activity of the institute.

The department undertakes industrial consultancy works as a part of its interaction with industry. Structural Engineering lab is equipped with most of the sophisticated instruments including HPLC, GC and UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. The lob is also equipped with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for heavy metal analysis in ppb levels. The lab is well equipped with Structural biology facility to enrich, isolate and identify microorganisms.

Research center

The Department has been recognized as Research Centre by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. Under Biomedical Engineering Research Centre, students can register for M.Sc. (Engg-by research) and Ph.D. programme. Currently five research scholars are working under Ph.D.programme. During last 3 years 25 research papers have been published in the international & national journals & conferences by research scholars and faculty members.


The vision of the M.Tech Programme in Structural Engineering of our Institute is to be preeminent in creating engineering solutions for the industries, infrastructure and the environment and also to achieve national and international recognition through the impact of its research. Our vision includes our department being a collegial, collaborative and welcoming environment in which to learn and work.


  1. To produce technically sound and practically competent Structural Engineers of global standard.

  2. To Offer technical consultancy services to government and other state and private organizations.

  3. Provide and expedite appropriate training programs to students, government and private employees with the view to upgrading and updating their skills.

  4. To provide research opportunities for students that generate, communicate, and apply new knowledge for the betterment of society.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

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Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

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Faculty Members

Dr Chidananda G

Associate Professor

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Technical Staff

Pradeep S K


Supporting Staff



Ph.D. Guided /Ph.D. Awarded during the assessment period while working in the Institute

S.No. Guide Name of the Research Scholars Dept. Year of Regn. Course Work Completed Y / N Pre- PhD Viva-Voce Y / N Submitted Final Thesis Y / N Year
1. Dr. C P Anila Kumar Raghu M E Civil Engineering 2015 Y N N
Chethan Gonni S Civil Engineering 2019 Y N N
Renuka R Civil Engineering 2019 N N N
Varun B K Civil Engineering 2015 Y Y Y 2022

Publications Faculty Name Google Scholar link IRINS

Books/Book Chapters Published

Sl. No Title of the Book Chapter Author/s Year of Publication Name of Publisher/s



Laboratory: A231
Laboratory: A321

Laboratory Facilities

S.No. Name of Lab Qty Configuration/Specification Software

Major Equipments

  • * AST Intel P-100 & accs * AST advantage P-100 & Accs * ACECAT 1212 A Digitizer * Printer Epson LQ 1050 * Printer HP Ink jet colour * MicronicsP/60 & accs * Stabilizer 3.0 KVA * Stabilizer 1.0 KVA Softwares * CAD,SMART,STRUDL * STAADPRO 2003 * STAAD ETC * STRUDS-Structural Design tool


Classroom The P. G Structural Engineering programme has well furnished classrooms and seminar rooms to facilitate learning, discussions and outcome oriented learning. The specially designed classrooms are equipped with LCD projector & offer internet connectivity to enhance the learning process. It is used for conducting classes, presentations & webinars. The classrooms provide a very conducive environment for effective learning and objective is to provide students a hands-on experience and the right ambiance to stimulate learning. Spacious seminar hall is equipped with LCD projector and internet connectivity. The room can comfortably seat 50 people and is used for conducting classes, seminars and distinguished lectures.

Department Library

Department Library The library at department level is for the Students and Faculty of Structural Engineering, which houses good number of textbooks, reference books, project and seminar reports. At present over 50 books with 75 titles, project reports, seminar reports & CD'S are available in the Department library. The National and International conference proceedings, workshop and seminar reports, product and textbook catalogues are kept for student's reference. Apart from the departmental library facility we have Central Library and Information Center. At Central Library, along with the standard books we have the facility of accessing various International and National Journals.

Department Advisory Board (DAB) Members

S.No. Member Designation

Program Assessment Committee (PAC) Members

S.No. Member Designation

SAR Report

Students placed in various companies

Academic Year No. of companies visited No. of students hired Highest Package
In campus Off campus

Staff Achievements

Student Achievements

Forum Activities


The following events are conducted regularly by STRForum:

Sl.No. Event Event Descrption
1. Technical Talk Technical Talk on Engineering Seismology and Lessens from Past Earthquakes by Prof. Katta Venkataramana. NITK Surtrahkal on 18th December 2021
3. Internship The students of batch 2023-25 underwent internship at Medini Technologies, Bangalore.

Department Activities

The following department activities were conducted:

  • PG Technical Seminar (30-08-2021 TO 04-09-2021 Batch 2020-2022 PG Co-Ordinator Dr. C S Vijayakumar Seminar Co-Ordinators Vinod Kundaragi Ramya B V PG Program in structural Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology Davangere

M.Tech Time Table

Semester: 1 Section: A

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Semester: 3 Section: A

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Learning Materials

Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2019-2020

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2018-2019

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2nd Semester Result Analysis

Click the link below to download the Result Analysis

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