Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

Post Box No. :325, Davanagere -577 004, Karnataka, India.
An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade and NBA (UG Programmes)
Recognized by UGC,New Delhi under 2(F) and 12(B)

ಬಾಪೂಜಿ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಮತ್ತು ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ, ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ-577004

Department of Information Science and Engineering

Upcoming Events

Nov 14

Parent-Teacher Meeting(2024-2025)

02:00PM - 05:00PM

S G Balekindri Seminarhal

Oct 24


09:00AM - 05:00PM

BIET, Davangere

Jul 20

Code & Test: Building with Selenium

09:00AM - 05:00PM

S G Balekundri Hall

Jul 11

Data science & Data visualization using MatPlot Libs

09:00AM - 05:00PM

S G Balekundri Hall ISE

Jul 11

DBMS Application development using Mongo DB

09:00AM - 05:00PM

S G Balekundri Hall, ISE

Jun 27


09:30AM - 05:00PM

SGBalekundri SeminarHall

Jun 07

Building Multiplatform Machine Learning Enabled Applications

09:00AM - 05:00PM

SGBalekundri Seminarhall

Jun 05

HackTechFusion 2.0

09:00AM - 09:00AM

Dept. of IS&E

Mar 13

International Women’s Day

10:30AM - 05:00PM

SSM Cultural Centre

Feb 08

Parents-Teacher Meeting

03:00PM - 05:00PM

SGBalekundri Seminar Hall

Dec 30

Empowering AI Through Prompt Engineering

10:00AM - 01:00PM

Placement Seminar Hall

Dec 07

1-day Hands on Workshop on "BIG DATA ANALYTICS"

09:00AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Aug 11

3-days Hands on Workshop on FRONT END DEVELOPMENT

09:00AM - 05:00PM

Department of IS&E

Jul 20

Computer Awareness Program

10:00AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jun 23


09:00AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jun 13


10:00AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jun 12


09:00AM - 06:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jun 10

Graduation Day

09:00AM - 05:00PM

SSM Cultural Centre

Jun 02

NBA Visit

09:00AM - 11:00AM

Dept. of ISE

May 19

Android App Development Workshop

09:30AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

May 15

Lecture Series

11:30AM - 01:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jan 30


10:00AM - 05:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jan 13

Bits N Bytes Coding Competition

10:00AM - 06:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Jan 11

Data Base Application Development Workshop

09:30AM - 05:00PM

IS & E Seminar Hall

Dec 12

FDP on Introduction to PYTHON Programming

09:30AM - 05:00PM

Dept. of ISE

Nov 25


10:00AM - 01:00PM

ISE Seminar Hall

Nov 15

Udyamsheel 2022

10:00AM - 05:00PM

IS & E Seminar Hall

All events

The Department of Information Science and Engineering was established in the year 2000 with the vision to produce high-qualified professionals in the field of Information Technology. The department started with an intake of 60 students, and subsequently intake was increased to 120 in the year 2007, 150 in the year 2021, and 180 in the year 2022. With the support of our beloved chairman Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa, Director and Principal, the department has grown over the last two decades in terms of infrastructure, facilities & teaching excellence. The department has a state-of-the-art laboratory, library facilities and well-trained and experienced teaching faculty who emphasize the theoretical and practical applications of computation to the needs of society. So far, the department has produced more than 2200 successful engineering graduates who have occupied leading positions in reputed organizations all over the globe. Apart from teaching, the faculties are involved in research and development activities.

The department is recognized by IIT Bombay as one of the remote centre, with a mission to reach out and engage a large number of teachers to enrich their knowledge through faculty development programs. The department has set up Industry 4.0 - Center of Excellence in collaboration with Rovelabs, Bengaluru to provide in-depth technical knowledge, innovation, and research opportunities for students. The Insync forum is meant exclusively to encourage the students to explore their technical and cultural abilities. Technical seminars, pep talks by accomplished alumni, and tech talks by industry experts are organized regularly under Insync. Aarohana, a techno fest, held every year creates a platform for students to showcase their technical talents. Technical quizzes, paper presentations, coding, debugging, and designing contests are organized in the Infozest. The department could achieve success because of the kind of cooperation extended by all our stakeholders. Looking forward to climbing further steps to attain more success in the years to come.


To be the center of excellence by adopting technological innovation in academics and research to develop competent man power for emerging needs of society and Industries.


  1. To provide Quality education to meet the challenges of technological changes to succeed in their professional career and higher education.

  2. To inculcate the culture of research, innovation and entrepreneur skills among the students.

  3. To groom our students with the quality of team spirit, leadership skills and ethical values, to share and apply their knowledge for the benefit of the society.


a) Strengths
  1. Faculty & Research
    • Qualified, talented, knowledgeable, and dedicated faculties.
    • Great collaboration and good communication among faculties.
    • Faculties are expertise in modern cutting-edge technologies.
    • Research centre established to provide opportunities to research scholars.
    • Strong research potential with records of high-quality research publications.
    • Produce knowledgeable graduates from rural areas with high-earning power
    • Good results and increase in student strength.

  2. Working Environment
    • Strong leadership and excellent administrative support.
    • Strong department-level support for faculty research activities.
    • Supportive working environment among department members.

  3. Academic Programs
    • Well-defined program assessments like Program Educational Objectives, and Program Specific Outcomes.
    • Laboratories with well-equipped computing facilities to provide practical and research exposures to implement innovative ideas.
    • Faculties are encouraged to teach additional concepts through content beyond the syllabus.

b) Weakness
  1. Department has to strengthen its collaboration with IT Industries.
  2. Lack of activities between academia and Industry.
  3. Department has yet to secure University rank.
  4. Improve students’ number to pursue higher studies.
  5. Improve collaborative research/projects among the faculty member.
c) Opportunities
  1. Encouraging faculties towards more research-oriented programs.
  2. Exploring Collaborative research with other departments and Institutes. (Interdisciplinary growth in research across departments)
  3. Encouraging Outreach activities for Government school children.
  4. Enhancing Alumni’s interaction to enrich departmental activities.
  5. Increasing external funding through a new center of excellence. (Opportunity to maximize the potential of Centers of Excellence)
  6. To improve soft skills for personality development.
  7. Launching coding club to improve problem-solving skills among students.
  8. To train students to face Competitive exams like GATE, TOFEL, GRE, and Public Service Exams.

d) Threats
  1. Balancing teaching quality with research activities.
  2. High variance in student ability and experience.
  3. University curricula are not inline with industry requirements.
  4. Updating latest developments in the field of computer science

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. The graduates of program will have excellence through principles and practices of information technology combined with fundamentals of engineering.

  2. The graduates of program will be prepared in diverse areas of information science for their successful careers, entrepreneurship and higher studies.

  3. The graduates of program will work effectively as an individual and in a team, exhibiting leadership qualities, communication skills to meet the goals of the organization.

  4. The graduates of program will grove their profession with ethics, management principles to carry societal responsibilities.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Problem Solving Skills - Ability to apply standard principles and practices of Information Technology to propose feasible ideas and solutions to computational tasks using appropriate tools and techniques.

  2. Knowledge of Information TechnologyAnalyze, design, develop and test the computer based software in the areas related to networks, cloud computing, web technology, data science and IoT.

  3. Profession and Research Ability – Inculcate the knowledge to excel in IT profession, entrepreneurship and research with ethical standards.
Dr. Poornima B

Professor and Head

Prof. (Dr.) Poornima B., currently working as Head, Dept of Information Science and Engineering and Dean, BIET-Incubation Centre. Hitherto, served as Dean, Training and Placement. She has been awarded Ph.D. from Kuvempu University, Shivamogga in the year 2013 under the supervision of Dr.V.Ramaswamy, then the principal of BIET and Master’s Degree in Computer Science & Engg., from PDA college of Engg. Gulbarga during the year 2001. She has more than 28 years of teaching experience, 12 years of research experience and one year in Industry. Her Research interest include Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Internet of Things, Big data and Data Science. Dr. Poornima B has published 34 research papers in refereed journals, presented, published research papers in international conferences, chaired sessions and delivered special lectures on various occasions. Under her supervision seven scholars awarded with Ph.D. degree and right now supervising three research scholars. Dr. Poornima B. is the Institute coordinator for New Age Innovation Centre (NAIN), initiative of KBITS, Dept. of IT, BT, Director of Bapuji Co - operative Bank, Government of Karnataka and coordinator for remote centre recognized by IIT Bombay. She has received research grants of Rupees 40.00 lakhs as principal Investigator/Coordinator for the project titled “Novel Integrated Filter Based Approaches for Image Abstraction to Investigate The Hidden Research Issues in Processing Domain” under VGST, K-FIST Level -2 and from AICTE-RPS project for Rs.4.3 lakhs for the project titled “Design and Analysis of Efficient Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms”. Further, she has completed small grant students projects sanctioned from KSCST, as well as institution funded projects.

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Faculty Members

Technical Staff

Mrs. Indira S H


Mr. Siddeshi S


Supporting Staff

Mr. Bakkeshwara G


Mr. Hanumanthappa D


Mr. Syfuddin


Faculty Research details


Ph.D. Guiding & Guided details


Publications Faculty Name Google Scholar link IRINS
1 Dr. Poornima B Google Scholar IRINS
3 Dr. Ashoka K Google Scholar IRINS
4 Dr. Rekha C Google Scholar IRINS
5 Dr. Anitha G Google Scholar IRINS
6 Dr. Bhuvaneshwari K V Google Scholar IRINS
7 Dr. N S Patil Google Scholar IRINS
8 Dr. Arunkumar G Hiremath Google Scholar IRINS
12 Rekha B H Google Scholar IRINS
13 Puneeth S P Google Scholar IRINS
15 Hemashree H C Google Scholar IRINS
21 Santhosh T Google Scholar IRINS
24 Vinutha D Google Scholar IRINS
30 Mamatha S K Google Scholar IRINS

Books/Book Chapters Published

Sl. No Title of the Book Chapter Author/s Year of Publication Name of Publisher/s
1 Mutual Correlation-Based Anonymization for Privacy Preserving Medical Data Publishing, pp 304- 319 Ashoka K, Poornima B 2018 IGI Global, USA
2 Stipulation-Based Anonymization with Sensitivity Flags for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing pp 445- 454 Ashoka K, Poornima B 2019 Springer Nature Pvt Ltd.


  • Dr. Poornima B., Principal Investigator for the Project “Design and Analysis of Efficient Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms”for 4.30 Lakhs, Sponsored by AICTE under RPS, New Delhi in 2014.

  • Dr. Poornima B., Principal Investigator for the Titled “Novel Integrated Filter Based Approaches For Image Abstraction to Investigate The Hidden Research Issues in Processing Domain” for 40.00 Lakhs under VGST/K-FIST L2 in 2019.

  • Mr. Vinay M T and Mr.Shreyas Vernekar Principal Investigator for the Project “Development of Autonomous Underwater Robot for Shrimp Aquaculture” for 2.42 Lakhs, Sponsored by NAIN incubation centre, BIET, Davangere in August 2022.

  • Dr. Poornima B. and Mr. Sheik Imran Principal Investigator for the Project “Armour for Public Surveillance and emergency healthcare” for 2.62 Lakhs, Sponsored by NAIN incubation centre, BIET, Davangere in August 2022.


  • Rekha B H, , Puneeth S P, Bhuvaneshwari K V, N S Patil, and Dhananjaya G M filed Patent for the title “Counterfeit Product Identification System Utilizing Blockchain Innovation” 202141013880 dated - 28/03/2021, published on 02/04/2021.

  • Mr. B R Sreenivasa and Mrs.H P Vinutha, filed patent for the title "Artificial Intelligence based Antenna for 5G Technology". ID - 202241006221 - dated - 05/02/2022, published on 11/02/2022.

  • Mrs. Anitha G. filed Patent for the title "Occupational stress model and coping strategies thereof” 202041041755 A dated -25/09/2020, published on 09/10/2020

  • Dr. Rekha C., filed a patent for the title "Implementation of Edge Computing based IoTs with Machine Learning driven Latency Optimization ". ID - 202241070930 A - dated - 08/12/2022, published on 16/12/2022.

  • Dr. Rekha C. filed Patent for the title “Cybersecurity solutions built on blockchain technology are designed specifically for use in industrial 4.0 applications” 202241069750 A dated -02/12/2022, published on 09/12/2022

  • Varsha M, Roopa D E, Divya M S, Manjushree K R, and Nagashri J A filed Patent for the title “Artificial Intelligence Based Autonomous Waste Management for E-Environment” 202141019996 dated - 30/04/2021, published on 07/05/2021

  • Sushma C, and Hemashree H C filed a Patent for the title “Decentralised Blockchain Based Multi-Chain Data Synchronization for IoT Smart Manufacturing ” 202121020458 A dated - 05/05/2021, published on 21/05/2021

Laboratory: B224
Laboratory: B228
Laboratory: B228
Laboratory: B228
Laboratory: B226
Laboratory: B226
Laboratory: B226
Laboratory: B224

Laboratory Facilities

S.No. Name of Lab Qty Configuration/Specification Software
1. Project Laboratory -1 (B - 224) 29 DELL Vostro i7, HP Pro, RAM 16 GB, SSD 512 GB Windows Operating System - 11, Net Beans - 8.2, Net Work Simulator - 2.0, VM Ware -10, Fedora - 10 Turbo C++ - 3.0, Anaconda 3, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder - 2.3.2, Dev C++ - 5.11, Python IDLE - 3.11.3, Android Studio 2022.2.1.19, PyCharm 2023.1.2, Visual Studio Code 1.87.
2. Project Laboratory -2 (B - 224) 29 DELL Vostro i7, RAM 16 GB, SSD 512 GB Windows Operating System - 11, Net Beans - 8.2, Net Work Simulator - 2.0, VM Ware -10, Fedora - 10 Turbo C++ - 3.0, Anaconda 3, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder - 2.3.2, Dev C++ - 5.11, Python IDLE - 3.11.3, Android Studio 2022.2.1.19, PyCharm 2023.1.2, Visual Studio Code 1.87.
3. Computer Laboratory - 1 (B-226) 29 Dell i7, Server IBM (73821A4) X3300 M4 Quad Core Windows Operating System - 10, Net Beans - 8.2, Net Work Simulator - 2.0, VM Ware - 10 , Fedora - 10, Oracle DB- 10, Dev C++ - 5.11, Turbo C++ - 3.0.
4. Computer Laboratory - 2 (B-226) 27 Dell i7, Server IBM Intel Xeon@2.4GHz Windows Operating System - 10, Net Beans - 8.2, Net Work Simulator - 2.0, VM Ware - 10 , Fedora - 10 ,Oracle DB- 10, Dev C++ - 5.11, Turbo C++ - 3.0.
5. Microprocessors and Logic Design /Electronics Circuits Laboratory - 1 (B-228) 36 Desktop HCL i5, Desktop HP Pro i5, Desktop HP ProDesk 400 i5, Desktop HP ProDesk 600 i5, Power Supply 5V/1.5A, +/-12V/100mA, Converter USB to Serial Converter, ARM Evaluation Board T2148. Interfaces: Stepper Motor, Dual DAC, Logic Controller, Keyboard Matrix, 7-segment display. Windows Operating System - XP / 10, Fedora 10 VMWare 10, Dev C++,Turbo C++ -3.0, Xilinx - 12.3, VMWare - 10, Keil Compiler - 4.74, Flash Magic - 6.01, JDK Net Beans - 8.1, Multisim, Masm, Network Simulator - 2, Anaconda 2022,
6. Microprocessors and Logic Design /Electronics Circuits Laboratory - 2 (B-228) 20 Linear IC Trainer =10, Digital IC Trainer with built in Power supply = 10, Minmax make Microprocessor based Analog and Digital IC Tester = 01, HM 203 G Scientific 30 MHZ Dual Trace Oscilloscope = 08 Dual DC Regulated Power Supply = 10, Digital Multimeter AS9208L = 04, 0.2H to 2MHz Signal Generator = 08. --

Major Equipments

  • Water cooler with storage - 01

  • ARM 7 2148 Evaluation Boards with built in interfaces - 08

  • 30 MHZ Dual Trace Oscilloscopes - 08

  • Minmax make Microprocessor based Analog and Digital IC Tester - 01

  • Linear IC Trainers and Digital IC Trainers with built in Power supply - 10 Each

  • Public address system with all accessories - 02

  • 10KVA Online UPS with Batteries- 06

  • Other systems

  • Intel Core i5 Systems of different make - 78 Nos.

  • Intel Core i3 Systems - 14 Nos.

  • Acer server - 01

  • IBM server - 01

  • Printers: Epson Make Inkjet L210 - 01 Epson Printer M2140 - 01 HP Printer 1020 - 02

  • Scanner: HP ScanJet 4850 - 01 No.

  • Epson Projector EH TW5300 (Lecture Capture System room) - 01

  • Projectors: EPSON Make EBW10 - 04

  • DELL Vostro i7 - 90


Department of Information Science and Engineering has six classrooms where theory classes are conducted regularly and one seminar hall. Among six classrooms one class room is facilitated with Lecture Capture System (LCS) and another classroom is having ICT facility. Theory classes taken in the LCS class room will be recorded and the video will be shared with students. Department has one seminar hall named “S G BALEKUNDRI” seminar hall with a sitting capacity of 300 students and ICT facility. The seminar hall is used for conducting various events under forum, technical talk, seminar, and online sessions of IIT Bombay through Aview software.

Classroom: B226
Classroom: B229
Classroom: B225
Classroom: B223
Classroom: B222B
Classroom: B222A
Classroom: B113B
Classroom: B113A

Department Library

In addition to the Central Library, a well-equipped departmental library is functioning in the department catering to the needs of the faculty and students. Number of Books - 2500 Number of Journals - 109 Number of Periodicals - 10 Number of Project Reports - 150 Number of UG Manuals - 27

Department Advisory Board (DAB) Members

S.No. Member Designation
1 Dr. Aravinda H. B. Principal
2 Prof. Y. Vrushabhendrappa Director
3 Dr. Poornima B. Professor and Head of the Department
4 Dr. Anil Kumar C.P. DQAC Coordinator
5 Dr. Dinesh Y.N. Dean Academic
6 Dr. Vinutha H. P. Professor
7 Dr. Sreenivasa B. R. Associate Professor
8 Dr. Rekha C Associate Professor
9 Dr. Anitha G. Associate Professor
10 Dr. Shreedhara K.S Professor UBDTCE, Davanagere
11 Dr. Premasudha B. G. Professor & Head SIT, Tumkur
12 Mr. Jayas M Alumni and Industry Expert
13 Mr. Shreyas Verneker Industry Expert, CEO, Rove Labs
14 Dr. Aziz Khan Alumni
15 Dr. Shivamurthy D M Parent
16 Mr. Ashok Kumar Parent
17 Ms. Lekha Student
18 Mr. Ajay Patel K A Student

Program Assessment Committee (PAC) Members

S.No. Member Designation
1 Dr. Poornima B. Professor and Head of the Department
2 Dr. Varsha M. Associate Professor and DQAC Coordinator
3 Dr. Vinutha H. P. Professor
4 Dr. Sreenivasa B.R. Associate Professor
5 Dr. Anitha G. Associate Professor
6 Dr. Bhuvaneshwari K. V. Associate Professor

SAR Report

Students placed in various companies

Academic Year No. of companies visited No. of students hired Highest Package
In campus Off campus
2024-25 11 68 1 8
2023-24 14 82 0 4
2022-23 21 70 3 10
2021-22 32 58 20 12
2020-21 15 45 7 6
2019-20 10 34 10 7
2018-19 12 38 15 6
2017-18 5 28 14 6
2016-17 4 39 13 5

Akshay S C

Indian Trading Service (ITS), Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi -110011

It has been 20 years since IS department started in 2000. Extremely Happy that I was part of the first batch of Information Science and Engineering. I have very fond memories of people associated with the department. Best wishes to the faculty and the department!

Ashwin Kumar

Co-Founder & CEO ,, Bengaluru

There is a need to bring students into the startup culture and to provide them a platform where they can convert their bright ideas into innovation. The students have lot of potentials, we just need to identify and channelize their ideas in the right direction. We should create a support system for students, including more internship or skill programmes, to hone their skills. The department should create job providers rather than job seekers.

Krishna P Huilgol

Technical Lead, Radio jockey, DELL-EMC and FM Rainbow, Bengaluru

The most memorable days of my life are those spent in B.I.E.T. I S & E department. Each and every day was fun filled and energetic. We used to enjoy a lot and at the same time no compromise on curriculum. We used to get equal opportunities in all aspects. Labs are equipped with all modern technology needs. At the same time, I also feel very pride and fortune to say that those who love cultural activities, I S & E is one of the fantastic place and guys will be nurtured based on their skills and interests.

Vasuki T

Specialist and System Engineer, Robert Bosch Engineering & Industrial Solutions Pvt Ltd

Enthusiastic faculty members, supportive seniors and friends, encouraging management, all together enriched my journey with the department. The entire ambiance makes it convenient for any student to inculcate the positive spirit to stand out with excellence. In addition to professional training, the department also serves a platform to exhibit talent in sports, extra-curricular activities, inter college competitions which helps in an overall development of a student. As a result of everything that I have mentioned above, I have been able to mould myself into a more confident individual to face the challenges in the outside world.

Karibasappa G C

Senior Specialist , Deloitte Consulting, Bengaluru

BIET is a place of knowledge and bliss. It had provided me a wonderful environment and opportunity to learn and grow myself in each and every field. In BIET, I have not only got the boost for studies but also for other curricular activities as well. I have got infinite love & support from my teachers at every step. They have encouraged me to polish my hidden talents in number of ways. BIET was not a college to me but it was like a family for me.

kumar Vivek

Developer , DXC Technology, Frankfurt, Germany

BIET is more than a college to me. It is my privilege to be connected with this institution. A place where I gained knowledge and made lifelong friends that I will cherish forever. Right from day one energy and enthusiasm are what I experienced, be its faculty or students. What I am today is because of my department - Information Science, Professors, and mentors. Information Science department formed the technology foundation and real-life problem-solving attitude that helped me to start my professional journey.

Siddharth Batavia

Sr. Data Warehouse Systems Engineer, Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America

The IS & E department of B.I.E.T has a great reputation. All the professors are committed towards teaching. The classes have a right balance of lectures and discussions. They encourage collaborative work & group presentations. The department is well known for academic advising. I am very happy to be an alumnus of this department.

Ananth Hegde

Partner Manager, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Bengaluru.

My time with Information Science and Engineering Department has always been a great place for learning. The exposure that I have got right from day one is immense and has helped in shaping my career. Equal opportunity for every student to showcase their skills has made this department differentiate from others. Highly qualified and friendly faculty and staff members are available to assist on every roadblock. Our enthusiastic HOD was supportive in every new initiative and pushed to do even better. The reason for my success today is because of what I learnt and gained from my association with department. In today's world, Education with values is very rare and I found both in my department.

Shreyas Vasudevareddy Movva

Software QA Engineer, 123 loadboard, it's a freight management company, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cricketer Canada National Team.

I Shreyas Vasudevareddy Movva an alumina of your college would proudly say that the college has supported me and nurtured me in every way possible. As a beginner in a Information science field, I was always curious to know how it’s going to be and where do I stand in this competitive world. But the college has a great faculty who not only provides a strong foundation but also tries to get the best out of you by providing a good knowledge on the subject. Engineering is one place where you can either grab the right opportunity in every way possible or just lose it. In order to do so you need to do something you love the most. I would say that I’ve chosen the right field and today I am working in a company in the field that I like the most. The college has not only been great in education but also have supported their students in the sports as well. Apart from my studies, my interest towards cricket has been in me all my childhood and till date. When you have the hunger to do something you like, you will achieve it no matter what. I started off my hands on in cricket when I was 8-9 years old. My father has been an inspiration to me right from childhood. Along with me he had many sleepless nights so that I could achieve my goal. Perseverance is the key to anything. Today, I would proudly say that I have achieved my goal. I have been selected in the “Cricket Canada National Team”. I would conclude by saying that “Do what you love and love what you do”. Wake up determined and go to bed satisfied is my life mantra.

Staff Achievements

  • Mrs. Sushma C and Mrs. Roopa D E has cleared National Entrance Test (NET).

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mr. Patil N. S.. has been awarded with Ph. D. for his research topic “An Effective Technique for Managing Large and Unstructured Graph Database”- 2022-2023.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Ms. Bhuvaneshwari K. V. has been awarded with Ph. D. for her research topic “Early Detection of Gynecological Cancer using Data Mining Technique” 2022-2023.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Sunilkumar G., Vijaya Vittala Inst. Of Tech., B’lore , Mrs. Anitha G has been awarded with Ph. D. for her research topic “Morphotactic Model building for Kannada” 2022-2023.

  • Mr. Sheik Imran and Mrs. Hemashree H C has been selected their project proposal titled "Intelligent Hexapod Synchronized Waste Collection System by KSCST.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mrs. Vinutha H. P. has been awarded with Ph. D. for her research topic “Data Mining Approaches for Security and Data Integrity in Networking Environment” 2018-2019.

  • Prof. Sheik Imran mentor, Arun Ramesh Chavan and team has funded with Rs. 3Lakh for NAIN project - "BRELLIE LEARNING: An EEG-based learning and cognitive ability assessing system for poor BLIND CHILDREN in remote areas."

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mr. S. B. Mallikarjuna. has been awarded with Ph. D. for his research topic “Automatic Disease Identification System of Arecanut Diseases using Image Processing Techniques” 2022-2023.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mrs. Varsha M. has been awarded with Ph. D. for her research topic “Monitoring and Identification of Plant Diseases using Internet of Things” 2022-2023.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mr. Pavankumar M. P. has been awarded with Ph. D. for his research topic “Some Novel Integrated Filter Based Image Abstraction approaches to Explore the Hidden Research Issues” 2021-2022.

  • Under the guidance of Dr. Poornima B , Mr. Ashoka K. has been awarded with Ph. D. for his research topic “Some Novel Approaches for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing” 2018-2019.

  • Prof. Sheik Imran and project team has awarded as best paper entitled "An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach in Brain Tumor Classification" in First International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICMRTET), at Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering and Technology (SKSVMACET), Lakshmeshwar, Karnataka, India on March 12 - 13, 2024.

Student Achievements

  • 8th Semester students Mr. Kiran Kumar N, Mr. TarunPaga and Mr.Vishnu Bhagath M.B have won SECOND PRIZE in the National level seminar ”KAUSHALA-2017” on “Skill module for Engineers and Managers” held on 21st&22nd April 2017 at AIET, Moodbidri.

  • Dept. of IS&E has won the “Championship & Rolling Shield” in the Inter-departmental competitions held for Davana 2017

  • Mr. T V S Akhil., 8th Semester student has awarded “ISTE Best Student” for the Year 2015-2016.

  • 8th semester students Ms. Shrusti C J , Mr. Akash C S, Ms. Inchara M R and MR. Bharath M N have been bagged state level innovation Dr. S K Shivakumar Award - 22 for their project titled "Braille Learning : An Audio Based Learning System for Poor BLIEND CHILDREN using IoT" in the Year 2021-2022

  • Prof. Madhuri Martis, Lingaraju M, Mohith H Giriyapur, Nagabhushan B V & Nithin K K awarded as Best Project entitled "Charging Station for e-Vehicle using Solar with IoT".

  • Dept. of IS&E has won the “Championship & Rolling Shield” in the Inter-departmental competitions held for Davana 2018.

  • Ms. Nithyashree K. V.,8th Semester student has awarded “TCS Best Student” for the Year 2017-2018.

  • 8th Semester students Mr. Kiran Kumar N, Mr. Sachin D.P, Mr. Ranganath H.R, Ms. Pratiksha S.B, Mr. Basanagouda S.D and Mr. AakashVerma have been participated “Smart India HACKTHON-2017” held at Nagpur, M.P on 1st and 2nd April 2017, Guided by Mr. Chandan V. Asst.Prof., IS&E Dept.

  • Ms.Vaishnavi S Iyengar., 8th Semester student has awarded “Best Sports Person of the Year 2016-2017” and “Individual championship for girls in the Year 2016-2017” at BIET, Davangere.

  • 8th semester students Ms. Sushmitha M R , Ms. Yashoda K U, Ms. Varsha B S and Ms. Supritha M have been bagged state level innovation Dr. S K Shivakumar Award - 22 for their project titled "an EEG based Identification of Students Cognitive Load in their Intelligence Quotient Test" in the Year 2021-2022

  • Dept. of IS&E has won the “Championship & Rolling Shield” in the Inter-departmental competitions held for Davana 2023.

  • Mr. Rahul A Grandhi, Mr. Nayan R. and Ms. Vachanashree M N has participated and received certificate of participation in BOSCH presents EnCode organized by E - Cell, IIT Guwahati and Coding Club, IIt Guwahati, Conducted during UDGAM - The Annual Entrepreneurship Summit of IIT Guwahati in the year 2021 -2022.

  • 3rd Semester student Mr. Shreesh Gururaj Kulkarni has cleared 4 course from IIT Madras Qualifier Exam - 1. 1. Statistics for Data Science 1 with score 73% 2. English 1 with score 73% 3. Computational Thinking with score 66% 4. Mathematics for Data Science 1 with score 72%.

  • Dr.Sreenivasa B R, Ganavi N, Neha Srikanth S, Razmia Tasneem & Shikhin S Ijantaker, awarded Social Awareness Project of the Institute for the project entitled "Early Detection of Ataxia Disease using Gaussian Process Models".

Forum Activities

Information Science FORUM (ISFORUM)

Department of Information Science and Engineering has started its forum “INSYNC” with the view to advance the cause of technical education. The aim of the forum is to assist and contribute in the development of quality professional engineers required by the IT industries and other organizations. INYSNC aims at strengthening the academic background of the students and strives hard on their overall exposure by conducting various workshops and exhibitions. Forum also arranges tech talks by eminent personalities across various industries to bridge the gap between industry and institute. It helps the students to be in line with the current technology and plays a major role in their overall development. INSYNC also organizes "Pro Kabaddi" during even semester to encourage sports, and an inter-collegiate technical & non-technical fest “INFOZEST” now it is renamed as "AROHANA" every year, which includes various events like Paper presentation & Poster presentation, Quiz, Mock press, Blind coding, Hack the box, Code Chef, Web designing and many more.

The following events are conducted regularly by ISForum:

Sl.No. Event Event Descrption
2. Building Multiplatform Machine Learning Enabled Applications using Flutter, ML Kit, and Firebase The Department of Information Science and Engineering in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Business Systems, and in association with the IEEE Student Branch, is organizing a3-day workshop on: "Building Multiplatform Machine Learning Enabled Applications using Flutter, ML Kit, and Firebase"
6. Power BI: Turning complexity into clarity Data to Decision:Dashboard design competetion for 5th semester students on 9th December 2024
7. INFO AROHANA 2024 Technical and Non - Technical Department events
9. Tech Talk Tech Talk on 27-07-2019 by Mr. Pramodchakravarti Patil , Mr. Shadakshari Soppimath, Mr. Shreyas Vernekar
11. Workshop Cyber Security Hands on Workshop on 14-10-2019 by Mr. Vincent D’souza and Mr. Vallabha Desai
12. JFLAP-problem solution with effective visualisation.. Activity on JFLAP open source tool for the course Theory of Computation conducted on 19th December 2024
14. Workshop Hand-on Workshop on Internet of Things on 06-03-2020 by Mr. Shreyas Vernekar
17. Tech Talk Tech Talk on IoT & its Continuous Evolution on 13-03-2020 by Mr. Manjunath Mahashetty
18. Tech Talk Pi Day on 14-03-2020 by Mr. Manjunath Mahashetty
21. Webinar Webinar On: Full Stack Developer on 23-06-2021 by Mr. Bhaskar S Yenecharla Senior Software Developer, Boeing Ind. Ltd. Bangalore.
22. Project Exhibition “PRADARSHAN 2021” Online Project Exhibition on 16-07- 2021 by Dr. Manoj Kumar M. V. Associate Professor, NMIT, Bangalore
24. Tech Talk Online Tech Talk on Performance of Industry 4.0 in Smart Cities on 17-07- 2021 by Dr. B G Premasudha, Professor and Head, Department of MCA, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur.
26. Project Exhibition Virtual Project Exhibition – 2021 NIRMANA 1.0 on 13-08-2021 by Mr. Sreenath R Kalamdani Deputy General Manager, Research and Development, India, MercedesBenz, Bengaluru.
28. Tech Talk “The Power of Entrepreneurship” presentation on case studies of Entrepreneurs on 29-10-2021 by 1. Prof. Shivamurthy D, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. 2. Prof. Sheik Imran, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. INSYNC.
30. Hands on session Hands on session on “Hadoop Ecosystem” on 30-11-2021 by Dr. Guruprasad Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, Uttarkhand. INSYNC
33. Tech Talk Tech Talk on Software Engineering on 18-12-2021 by Mr. Amith M G, Professional cloud architect by google and working as Google Cloud Consultant in Infosys. In association with IQAC and INSYNC.
34. Demonstration “Demonstration and Experimental of Unix Commands” on 20-01-2022. Organized by: Prof. Puneeth S P, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. and Prof. Rekha B H, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG.
37. Workshop Workshop on “Soft Skill Program on Communication With Confidence” from 07-04-2022 to 10-04-2022 by Mr. Manjesh S P, Lead Trainer, English. Ms. Brunda Nagaraj, Consultant Trainer, Corporate Behaviour.
38. Bridge course on C++ Bridge course on C++ from 23-05-2022 to 01-06-2022 Course coordinators: Mr. Vinay M T, Asst. Prof, ISE Dept. Ms. Divya M S, Asst. Prof, ISE Dept.
41. “INFO AROHANA-22” “INFO AROHANA-22” on 26-05-2022 & 27-05-2022 Forum coordinators: Dr. Vinutha H P, Associate. Prof, ISE Dept. Mr. Patil N S, Asst. Prof, ISE Dept.
43. “SAMMILANA -2020” An Alumni Meet “SAMMILANA -2020” An Alumni Meet on 11-06-2022 for 2020 - batch
45. Workshop “DIGITAL FINEARTS” a hands-on Workshop on 29-07-2022 by Mr. Sanyam Bhat and Mr. Vishwanath Hegde Alumni’s of IS&E Dept.
47. UDYAMSHEEL-22 One day program “UDYAMSHEEL-22” on 15-11-2022 by Chief Guest: Mr. Sumit Kumar Adviser and strategy maker in digital marketing, Sigtegalleria pvt., Ltd., Bangalore.
49. Database Application Development Two days workshop on “Database Application Development” on 11-01-2023 and 12-01-2023 by 1. Prof. Madhuri Martis, Assistant professor, ISE Dept., BIET 2. Prof. Nomitha Chawla, Assistant professor, ISE Dept., BIET
50. Nirmana 3.0 In-house Project Exhibition Project Exhibition conducted on 29-05-2023, by Er. D S Chandrashekar, Industrialist and Vice President, The Institute of Indian Foundarymen(TIF), Kolkata
51. Coding competition Bits N Bytes Coding competition Bits N Bytes on 13-01-2023 by Chief Guest: Shreyas Vasudevareddy Movva
53. Tech Talk Tech Talk on “Innovative Projects for the Future” on 18-01-2023 by Mr. Prashantha Shet Director at Intuit India.
54. Workshop Workshop on "Internet of Things" on 06-03-2023 to 07-03-2023 by Mr. Shreyas Vernekar, CEO Rove Labs
56. HackTechFusion HackTechFusion Coding competition conducted on 12-06-2023
57. Hybrid Application Development Using Flutter and Dart Three days STP on “Hybrid Application Development Using Flutter and Dart” from 13-06-2023 to 15-06-2023 by Dr. Manoj Kumar M V and Prashanth B S.
58. INFO AROHANA-23 INFO AROHANA-23 conducted on 23-06-2023 and 24-06-2023
59. Computer awareness program Computer awareness program for Government school students conducted from 20-07-23 to 21-07-23
60. Front end development Front end development for 4th semester students conducted from 11-08-23 to 13-08-23
61. Python Envoi Python Envoi for 2nd semester students conducted on 18-08-23
66. Empowering AI through Prompt Engineering Tech Talk on Empowering AI through Prompt Engineering conducted on 30-12-2023 by Dr. Krishnaprasad, Srinivasa University, Mangalore
67. Parents-Teacher meeting Parents-Teacher meeting is held on 08-02-2024
68. Bits-N-Bytes Code Bits-N-Bytes Code intercollege coding competition conducted on 12-02-2024
69. GUI for AIML 5 days workshop for 5th semester students on "GUI" for AIML is conducted on 19-02-2024 to 23-02-2024 by Mr. Deepak P and Mr. Ajay A V, NIEIT Mysuru
70. SS Care Computer awareness program SS Care Computer awareness program for Government school students is conducted on 26-02-2024
71. Research Methodology & IPR Three days workshop on "Research Methodology & IPR" for 5th semester students from 19-01-2024 to 18-01-2024.

Department Activities

The following department activities were conducted:

  • Five days FDP on Effective Teaching- NITTTR, Kolkata from 15-07-2019 to 19-07-2019 by NITTTR Kolkata Experts

  • Workshop on Software Testing mini project

  • Parents of 3rd semester student meeting is held on 14/11/2024

  • Abstract Submission End: 31st May 2024 Selection Notification: 2nd June 2024 Registration End: 4th June 2024 ₹500 for Non-IEEE Students ₹400 for IEEE Students Teams of 3 should be formed. Students can be from different branches and different semesters but must be from the same college. Upload your abstract in the Google Form link provided below: Download the abstract template form and rules and regulations document from the Google Form link. Students need to fill the abstract template and upload it to the Google Form.

  • One day workshop on LINUX on 23-08-2019 by IIT Bombay Experts

  • A Web based Mini Project development program for 5th sem students 0n 13th December 2024

  • One day Workshop on “e-SIM” on 21-09-2019 by IIT Bombay

  • Two days online FDP on “Recent Trends in Information Science and Technology” on 15-05-2020 & 16-05-2020 by Ms. Pallavi Saha, Dr. Karthik Seemakurthy, Dr. Rajan M A, Mr. Prabhudatta

  • Online Alumni Meet “RETROUVAILLE-2020” on 10-10-2020.

  • Virtual Labs-VTU Faculty Development Programme on 22-10-2020 by Dr. Mohit P. Tahiliani, Assistant Professor Dept. of CS&E, Virtual Labs NITKS Surathkal.

  • Workshop on “Database Application Development” from 28-12-2020 To 30-12-2020 by Mr. Shreyas Vernekar and Team, Founder and CEO, Rove Labs Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.

  • Technical Talk on “Real world exposure towards working of IT service management(ServiceNow)” on 30-12-2020 by Mr. Sreenag M Araga, System Engineer, TCS, Bangalore.

  • “Software Architecture and Design using Sparx Enterprise Architect-Hands on Approach” from 28-12-2020 to 01-01-2021 by Dr. Sagar B M, Prof & Head, Dept. of IS&E, RVCE Ms. Rashmi R Assistant Professor, RVCE, Bangalore.

  • Image Processing, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Workflows using MATLAB on 12-01-2021 & 13-01-2021 by Mr. Rakshith B S, Senior Application Engineer, CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru

  • Early Detection and prevention of Cancer in Women on 27-03-2021 by Dr. Shashikala P Krishnamurthy, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Pathology, SSIMS, Davangere

  • Workshop on “Internet of Things” on 23-10-2021 & 24-10-2021 by Mr. Shreyas Vernekar and Team, Founder and CEO, Rove Labs Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.

  • FDP on eTall Networks Limited (ETNL) English Language Lab on 12-11- 2021 by Dr. Sreenivasa B R, Associate Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. and Prof. Sheik Imran, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG.

  • Workshop on “National Cyber Safety and Security Standards " on 06-01-2022 and 07-01-2022 by 1.Mr. Subash Babu, National Cyber Defence Research Centre(NCDRC), Kerala 2.Mr. Yasir: NCDRC, Mumbai 3.Mr. Harish T T, NCDRC, Bangalore 4.Mr. Vijaykeerti, NCDRC, Bangalore

  • Workshop on “Database Application Development” from 11-01-2022 To 13-01-2022 by Prof. Ranjana B Jadekar, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. In association with Skill Development Cell.

  • “PYTHON ENVOI-2022” A technical presentation competition on 22-02-2022 by Prof. Sheik Imran, Assistant Prof, Dept. of IS&E, BIET, DVG. In association with IQAC and Skill Development Cell

  • “ALUMNI TO ENTREPRENEUR” A program energizing entrepreneur within students on 11-03-2022 by Mr. VIKAS, Managing Director, Founder. Mr. Goutham Hegde, Programmer, Co-Founder. Mr. Amogh, Technology Analyst. Mr. Mukunda, Technology Analyst.

  • Teck talk on “Innovate for India – social innovation to address the issues that we see every day to build sustainable business” on 20-05-2022 by Mr. Prashantha Shet, Director at Intuit India

  • Three days FDP on “Introduction To Python Programming” from 12-12-2022 to 14-12-2022 by Prof. Satish Annigeri Former Registrar Evaluation,VTU Belagavi

  • Five days FDP on “Data Analytics and Data Science” from 30-01-2023 to 03-02-2023 by Mr. Shivakumar Keshavamurthy, Expert in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

  • Women’s Day Celebration on 30-03-2023 by Mrs. J S Vanitha, Smt. Kiruvadi Girijamma, Dr. Prabha Mallikarjun

  • Virtual Lecture Series conducted on 15-05-2023 to 19-05-2023 by Dr. Likewin Thomas and Team HOD, AI&ML Department, PESITM, Shivamogga

  • Workshop on Android Application Development conducted from 19-05-2023 to 21-05-2023 by Mr. Prashanth N Asteker, Amba Soft, Dharwad

  • Startupignite program for all BIET Students is conducted on 29-08-2023 by Shubham K

  • Live the Yoga Life for ISE Students conducted on 18-09-2023 by Mrs.Shilpashree

  • Five days STP on “Communicate with Confidence” from 28-11-2023 to 02-12-2023 by Mr. Manjesh , Expert in Program Manager, CREA.

  • One day workshop with hands-on session on Big Data Analytics: Spark Technology conducted on 07-12-2023 by Dr. Gireesh H R

B.E. Time Table

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Calender of Events

Semester: 2018-19_COE_EVEN

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Semester: 2019 -20_COE_EVEN

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Semester: 2020 -21_COE_EVEN

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Semester: 2021 -22_COE_EVEN

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Semester: COE_Even_2022-2023

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Semester: 2018-19_COE_ODD

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Semester: 2020 -21_COE_ODD

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Semester: 2021-22_COE_ODD

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Semester: COE_Odd_2022-2023

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Learning Materials

18CS33 Notes

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18CS36 Notes

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BIS302 Notes

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BIS302 Notes

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BIS302 Notes

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18CS43 Notes

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18CS54 Notes

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18IS62 Notes

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17CS73 Notes

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18CS71 Notes

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17CS81 Notes

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2023-2024

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2022-2023

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2021-2022

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2020-2021

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2019-2020

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2018-2019

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Newsletter for the Academic Year: 2017-2018

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8th Semester Result Analysis

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4th Semester Result Analysis

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6th Semester Result Analysis

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7th Semester Result Analysis

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3rd Semester Result Analysis

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5th Semester Result Analysis

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